Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Did you miss me? We’ve been at the hospital all day. Tim’s mom called this morning and said her mom, Tim’s grandmother, had had a heart attack and they were on their way to a hospital about an hour from our house. She lives in a rural area, and it turns out that at the small town hospital they took her to, she didn’t stay long; just long enough to stabilize her and transport her to a “big city” hospital. Which, thankfully, is in the city we live in. At first they said it was congestive heart failure, then later we heard the term “heart block” or “heart blockage”. Once she was stabilized, they took her in for surgery. They went in through her neck and inserted a temporary pacemaker this afternoon. Tomorrow (Thursday) sometime, they will go back in and insert a permanent pacemaker. At some point, we were told, her heart rate was down in the 20’s. So, a very tense, very scary day, but it is looking better. We had the waiting room packed (this is the side of the family that has the big family get-together on the 4th of July, with dozens and dozens of people attending). Tim’s mom is one of 8 children, and they were all there, along with a lot of the grand kids. Most of them went in to see her briefly, during ICU visitation, including Tim and his brothers, and said she was tired, but doing ok.

So, no Question of the Day today, or anything else witty or exciting. We’re just going to chill out and think happy, healthy thoughts for Tim’s grandmother. I had planned to post about a few things going on with us, on this Hump Day (specifically about some recipes and some movies), but that post will just have to wait 🙂

Hope you’re all having a good day!

  1. deb Said,

    Sorry to hear this news, Stacy, and I hope she continues to improve.

    Sitting around in a hospital all day is so tiring. It’s great, though, that so many family members were able to be there for her! Keep us posted and get some rest yourself.

  2. Desert Songbird Said,

    Sending lots of positive vibes, thoughts, and prayers for her recovery!

  3. Stacy Said,

    Sorry to hear about the scare. I’m very glad to hear things are looking up.

  4. twiga92 Said,

    Hope she continues to improve and do well. Heart stuff is so scary!

  5. Dianne Said,

    I will keep Tim’s grandma in my prayers tonight. my heart did a little jump when I saw the title of your post.

  6. Laura Said,

    Hope she is okay!

  7. Gail Said,

    Hope it all gets taken care of and glad she’s got good drs.
    Is this the same grandma we were talking about last time I was there?

  8. Susie Said,

    Saying a prayer for Tim’s grandmother. I hope she gets all better really soon. It’s amazing what they can do today to prolong our lives!

  9. Carrie Said,

    I’m so sorry to hear this. I’ll keep her in my prayers. Y’all get some rest!

  10. Kara Said,

    I am so sorry about Tim’s grandmother. I hope the permanent pacemaker insertion goes smoothly and she can get on her way to a speedy recovery. How scary for all of you, but it sounds like you all have lots of good support and family around, which is truly a blessing.

  11. amy Said,

    Will be saying a prayer

  12. Debi Said,

    Oh Stacy…what a rough day for all of you! Sounds like things are on the upswing now. Hope her recovery is as swift as possible! You all take care of yourselves as well!

  13. Dawn Said,

    I’m glad to hear that things are at least stabilized. I hope they stay that way & improve. Still have you all in my thoughts.

  14. Kurt Said,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and her.

  15. Project 365 » Day 192 Said,

    […] Wednesday’s picture is from my cellphone camera, as I didn’t think to take my regular camera with me.  We spent most all day at the hospital – Tim’s grandmother had a heart “episode” (heart attack or congestive heart failure or a heart block, we heard all kinds of terms).  She had a temporary pacemaker installed Wednesday and will have the permanent one installed on Thursday.  You can read a little more about it here, at my regular blog.  She’s doing better, we think […]

  16. Lynne Said,

    Stacy – Thoughts going out for Tim’s grandmother. Hope she continues to do well.

  17. Cam Said,

    Oh dear. I’m sure it was a tense, scary day. I’m glad she’s doing better now and hope she continues to improve. Hugs to you & the family.

  18. Simply Dawn Said,

    Wow…I’ll be keeping Tim’s grandmother in my prayers. I know that St D’s has an excellent cardio unit. My uncle has had to have many procedures done there and they are wonderful. I hope she’s doing better and I’ll be saying a prayer for her this afternooon when they are suppose to put the pacemaker in.

  19. shellsq Said,

    Oh, I hope she’s ok! I’ll keep her in my thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery. Hope she’s better soon. Hugs to you!

  20. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    I am saying a prayer for her right now!

  21. Shayna Said,

    I hope everything works out ok! Will be praying for your grandma to recover soon!

  22. Eden Said,

    Praying for Tim’s grandma.


  23. Heather Said,

    thoughts and prayers are with you guys!

  24. kaliblue Said,

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers that all will be well..
    Take care.

  25. JennaG Said,

    I hope everything is going ok. Praying for you and yours.

  26. Claire Said,

    I hope that everything goes well. I’ll be praying for her, you and Tim and his family, and wisdom by the doctors.

  27. Judi Said,

    Oh no! I hope everything is okay. Saying a prayer for her and the family!

  28. Coach J Said,

    So glad she pulled through the initial “scare” and I pray she continues to get stronger!!

  29. Amy Said,

    I’m behind on my blogs I read, but I will be praying for all involved!

  30. Jill@Who Could Ask for Anything More Said,

    I’m a little behind on my blog reading… hope everything is going OK.

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