Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

See a Penny…

See a penny, pick it up; all day long you’ll have good luck.

Have you ever heard of that old saying? I have and I totally pick up money if I spot it on the ground. The other old saying, the one about heads or tails and it being bad luck to pick it up doesn’t work for me. Money is money 🙂 My favorite little saying or story regarding pennies these days is something I got in my email a few years ago. A year or so after my mom had passed away, someone sent me an email forward that had a little poem about guardian angels and how they toss pennies in your path. That story gave me a lot of comfort, and knowing my mom is in heaven watching over me, I always imagine that it is her tossing me the pennies down. I couldn’t find that email, I apparently didn’t save it, but I did a quick Google search and found one very similar to it. I’ll paste it on the extended page. :mrgreen:

Oh, and here’s another old saying – “A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned”. I can remember my grandmother telling me that one. I think a lot of this “stooping over to pick up money” stems from my parents. See, my mom and dad were children during the Great Depression. They both were raised during extremely hard times, and as a result, they were very thrifty, frugal people. My mom probably even more so than my dad. He’s at least a little free spending now, though not much. My mom was a scrimper and a saver all of her life. I definitely got that from her. Call it cheap if you want, I prefer to think of myself as thrifty. Oh, and my favorite – environmentally friendly (when it comes to recycling and not throwing things out, you know; bad for the environment).

Anyway, let’s see, where was I going with this?! Oh, I know 🙂 We are doing our best to get back into our walking routine. We’ve been going 5-6 days a week, in the mornings, for the last week or so. Sometimes I spot some change on the ground and I always, always pick it up. Even if it’s just a penny. I know some people won’t bother to pick up pennies, but me, I’ll pick up any change. I’d much rather find a quarter or a dollar bill, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll pick up a penny too. Heads or tails up, doesn’t matter to me. I had a banner day today – I found 4 pennies on our walk this morning! 🙂


So, how about you? Will you stop in a parking lot or aisle in the grocery store to pick up money you see laying on the ground? Or anywhere else for that matter? Will you pick up anything or just something with more monetary value than a penny? What’s the most money you’ve ever found and picked up?

That’s today’s Question of the Day, mundane though it is! Leave me a comment and let me know.

Click for guardian angel and pennies story…

Pennies From Heaven

I found a penny today, just laying on the ground.
But, it’s not just a penny, this little coin I’ve found.
Angels put them there, that’s what my Grandpa told me.
He said Angels toss them down—oh, how I loved that story.
He said when an Angel misses you they toss a penny down.
Sometimes just to cheer you up; to make a smile out of your frown.
So don’t pass by that penny when you’re feeling blue.
It may be a penny from heaven that an Angel’s tossed to you.

  1. Debi Said,

    Yep, I pick them up, too. The only time I pass one up is if it’s stuck in gum or something like that.

  2. Simply Dawn Said,

    Most time I don’t pick them up. Now Patt on the other hand will go out of his way to pick them up. Even a single penny, and it dosn’t matter if it’s on heads or tails….he’ll say a penny saved penny earned thing and pick it up 🙂

  3. Dianne Said,

    Yes, I am always finding money on the ground. And I always pick it up too!!! How funny. I also empty my wallet of change every night, and save it in a pint mason jar. when it’s full, i roll it – about $40 every 6 weeks or so! Makes for good eating on vacation!

    My gram was big on saving. I hope I’ve caught a bit of that from her.

  4. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    Money is money. I always pick it up!

  5. Kelly Said,

    I once found $10 on the sidewalk. I love that kind of luck.

  6. Gail Said,

    Yep I always pick it up no matter how big or small! Usually it’s small, except for that time you were with me at Walmart here in my town and I found like a $10 bill! Or was it 5? That was a first for me.
    Liz says she won’t pick it up unless it’s silver but I pick all of it up and Dodie used to tell me I was lucky because I’d find money all the time!

  7. Karen Said,

    I pick up pennies, too:) I consider them lucky and also believe in the “pennies from heaven”. My daughter, Emily, and I share in this. Whenever we see a penny on the ground, she’ll say, “Mom, Grandma’s thinking about us.” One day, she found a dime. Her eyes got big and round and she exclaimed, “Well, Grandma must REALLY be thinking of me today!” I assured her, Grandma certainly was:)

  8. Laura Said,

    Has to be at least a nickel for me. Heh.

  9. sherry Said,

    I’ve never heard of that before! I mean, obviously, I’ve heard “pennies from Heaven”, but not the whole missing people left on earth thing. Very neat indeed!

    I hate to admit it, but I am not a picker upper, but I think I will start!

    Also — in my church we all picked random pennies and we were supposed to receive some type of message from God from the year of the penny. Almost every one of us picked a penny which had a strong significance! Maybe when an angel throws down a penny, the year might have a significant meaning for the person it is intended for 🙂


  10. shellsq Said,

    Sometimes I do and others I don’t. I always have a fear that some camera is on me and I’ll see myself on tv picking up a fake penny! LOL

    When I do pick them up, I tend to leave them in the car for good luck in my travels.

  11. Cam Said,

    I never pick up change from the ground. That whole thing about tails being bad luck…I guess being that I’ve experienced so much bad luck, I don’t want to take any chances of adding more bad luck, just in case the superstition is true! This fear is so strong for me that whenever Philip has picked up coins from the ground, I’ve made him throw them back down. He laughs at me but he humors me and throws them back, because he knows how badly I’ll worry and fret if he doesn’t.

  12. Susie Said,

    I definitely pick up found money when I do notice it. However, I’m just not ever very lucky in finding any! I think some people have a knack for it. My grandmother-in-law finds not just change but $1, $5, and $20 bills all the time, just laying on the ground!

  13. Stacy Said,

    I didn’t used to, but I’m in the habit now. I’ll always pick it up. Jeff even runs his finger in the change thing on coke machines and the like. Amazing how much money you can find there…

  14. Melody Said,

    I do pick them up too…unless they are…er…dirty. 😛
    The most I found was a $2 note. Whoever found $10 is indeed very, very lucky! 😀

  15. Shawna Said,

    I don’t pick up change very often anymore, The largest amount I found was $300 at a gas station. I gave it to the clerk in case someone came back for it. I did find $20 once and kept it.

  16. SnoopMurph Said,

    I found 30 cents on the beach yesterday and I was really excited about it. Once, my college roommate and I found $100 on the sidewalk. We split the money and I still don’t remember how I spent the money.

  17. CMChristine Said,

    I don’t stop for pennies, but I do stop and pick up anything higher. I wonder when I started to lose my love for the penny??

  18. Carrie Said,

    Funny you should post this. Sadie, Libby, and I had a conversation about this a few days ago. Sadie and I will pick up any change we see on the ground. We know that even pennies add up and money is money. Libby, on the otherhand, says pennies aren’t worth anything and she won’t pick them up. LOL, I just don’t get that child.

  19. Coach J Said,

    I used to pick them up. I don’t really know why I stopped. Perhaps I should start it back up again!

  20. Judi Said,

    Money is money in my book. I always pick it up. I have picked up a twenty before!

  21. Sparky Duck Said,

    Are you CRAZY??? Two of those pennies would stay right where they were on the ground and I might even take the long way around them

  22. annie Said,

    there was a $20 bill tucked under my tire once in a shopping parking lot. I took the few seconds to pick it up 🙂

  23. Heather Said,

    thanks for that post. i have always picked up the heads ones and if i am not alone i pick up the tail ones and pass them to whomever i am with. however now with the story you told about the guardian angel and knowing that my mother is also in heaven i will pick all up! thanks!

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