Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

I Miss You

My mom passed away 5 years ago today. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and miss you, Dodie (that’s what we all called my mom).

My mom hated, hated to have her photo taken, so I have very few photos of her. I went through my scrapbook pages from several years ago and found this one from Thanksgiving 2000. My parents had come to our house to have dinner with us and Gail and her family.

I miss you Dodie. I’m glad you’re not suffering any more, but I still wish you were here for me to see and talk to. 🙂

Dodie and Daddy, Thanksgiving 2000

  1. Carrie Said,

    (((Stacy))) ~ What a sweet post! Your Mom was such a pretty lady!

  2. Susie Said,

    Oh, Stacy… I’m so sorry to know that you are sad today. I know your mom had to have been a very, very special lady to have had such wonderful children. *big hug*

  3. Dawn Said,

    Stacy, I know you don’t know me (I stumbled upon your blog from Debi’s) It’s very hard to loose a parent and the anniversary’s always seem to bring lots of memories and sadness in missing them. I hope you find comfort today.

    take care,

  4. Southern Girl Said,

    {{{{{Stacy}}}}} I can only imagine what a difficult day this is for you. I hope you continue to find lots of comfort in your memories of her. She must have been very special to have raised such great daughters like you and Gail.

    My Aunt Audrey, who I’ve written about on my blog, hated to have her picture made, too, and like you, we have very few photos of her. My mom also hates to have her photo taken, but I’ve informed her that she needs to get over it, because I’m not going to be left with only a handful of pictures of HER. 😉

  5. Stacy Said,

    Hugs & Love! I’ll keep you in my prayers.

  6. Dianne Said,

    Thinking of you today, Stacy. I’m glad you were able to get a few pics of your sweet mom . . .

  7. Heidi Said,

    That is so sweet. I’m glad you do have a few photos to help you remember your time with your mom.

  8. Stace Said,

    Awww. 🙁
    It’s always hard this time of year.

  9. Gail Said,

    I forgot to log you out Stacy when I commented above, and was using your computer.

    It is always hard this time of year and on the anniversary.
    That’s a pretty good pic you got there……I don’t have many at all.

  10. Karen Said,

    It sounds like you and your mom had a very special relationship. Hope those happy memories brought you some comfort today.

  11. Cam Said,

    I hope you find lots of comfort & peace today. Thanks for sharing that picture; it’s nice to see your mom. Hugs-

  12. JennaG Said,

    I lost my mom 20 years ago. I’m so sorry for your loss and pray that your memories of her will bring you joy. Prayers for you today.

  13. Susanne Said,

    Holding you up in prayer on this hard day. You sound like you and your mom had a great relationship!

  14. Debi Said,

    Oh Stacy…biggest hugs to you, sweetie! Every time you mention your mom the love shines through so strongly! It’s hard for me to even imagine how it feels…it’s a place I just don’t ever want to have to go.

  15. mamichelle Said,

    Sorry, Stacy! It’s so hard to miss someone. I feel this way about my Nana .

  16. Desert Songbird Said,

    Stacy, I know how sad you are, and I know all about missing parents. Big hugs for you.

    You know, I hate to have my photo taken as well because I’m so overweight, but I realized that if I didn’t have at least some taken with my kids, then they’d have nothing to look at when I’m gone.

    So, I try to make an effort to have photos taken with them, overweight or not. Then they’ll have visual proof of our good times together.

  17. Jennifer Said,

    Awwww, Stacy, I’m so sorry 🙁 (((HUGS)))

  18. Shawna Said,

    Thanks for sharing the picture! Big hugs!

  19. Dawn Said,

    Such a touching post, Stacy. And it’s hearing things like this that made me “cave in” on being in photos. I wouldn’t ever want someone I care about to be sad to not have photos of me to enjoy, even while I am still here, but far away.

  20. rach Said,

    Hi Stacy. Thanks for sharing this memorable picture. I’m sure your Mom is always watching you from above.

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