Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

No Power

Well, the much hoped-for rain was a near no-show at my house, although we did have a nice strong set of thunderstorms move through our area earlier today. We barely got enough rain to wet the pavement good (which means I’ll have to pull the sprinklers out tomorrow, boo-hoo). However, there was enough wind to knock down some large power lines somewhere. We were without power at our house for about 5 hours.

My sister Gail came this afternoon, right after the power went out, and we went shopping for a while. As she’s so fond of saying, “when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping”. :mrgreen: We all went out and had a lot of Mexican food for supper afterwards. It was so nice to come back to lights, air conditioning, and computers and TV’s with power. 🙂

We’re back now and hopefully all is well. I think we’re going to watch our first Netflix movie that came in (Yeah!) and I’ll try to blog some soon about a book I just finished, and the movie we watch.

Have a good one 😀

  1. Kara Said,

    Too bad I can’t send some of the rain we’ve had your way! Enjoy your movie!

  2. annie Said,

    I am sitting her (it’s after midnight) and it is stormy! I can just hear a lot of thunder and lightening right now.
    Glad you have Gail to keep you company. You two are so cute. I love how your comments always say the same thing in different ways.

  3. Susie Said,

    You’re putting me to shame in a major way with your book reading this year! It seems like you finish one every 2-3 days; I’m lucky to finish one in 2-3 weeks… I always enjoy reading your reviews and I’m sure this next one will be no exception! 🙂

  4. Desert Songbird Said,

    I remember one summer when my daughter was an infant and one of the western power grids blew and many, many states out here lost power for hours. It was patchy, though; some parts of the city had power, others didn’t.

    We found a mall that had power, so we pushed the baby’s stroller around and around for a long time, finally settling at a restaurant and lingering over dinner. About three or four hours later we came home and still we had no power. We all slept on the floor of the dining room by the bay windows with the windows open and three fans pointing at us. Thankfully, the ordeal ended just after midnight.

  5. Heidi Said,

    If no electricity means no a/c, shopping is definitely the way to go!

  6. amy Said,

    Glad you found something fun to do

  7. mamichelle Said,

    Sounds like fun!

    We’re getting the drizzle now but we’re supposed to have bad thunderstorms but they haven’t appeared yet.

  8. Coach J Said,

    I’m so sorry you didn’t get more rain!! I wish our whole state had gotten a thorough soaking, and that it was still raining today. The sun is back out, which I am thankful for that too, but another day of rain would have been so nice!
    I’ll have to look at it this way: if my grass dies, which we are well on our way!, I’ll get to plant new seed of the grass I want instead of what we had!! 🙂 Starting over CAN BE a good thing.

  9. Debi Said,

    Okay…you went and tortured me talking about good Mexican food, so I’m going to torture you and tell you we had some thunderstorms here yesterday and really got a soaking. Aren’t I evil?

  10. JennaG Said,

    It rained nearly all day at our house yesterday. So sorry you didn’t get more–that watering the yard can get expensive.

  11. deb Said,

    Hey Stace, we got a goooood rain yesterday here in Middle Tennessee but we certainly need more. They say it’s the worst drought in 70 years here. My flowers are not looking so great 🙁

    5 hrs. without power is a long time in my book. Glad you took full advantage of it lol!

  12. Dawn Said,

    Ooo. Glad your power is back up. It’s annoying & inconvenient not to have tv or computer, but lights are even harder to live without, and it’s downright unbearable not to have a/c in the South this time of year. Yuck. I was worried mine might go out yesterday. We had a heck of a thunderstorm pass through. But not so much as a flicker. Looks like our late afternoon storms are starting to become their predictable summer selves though.

  13. Cam Said,

    Oh, I hoped you’d be getting some real rain. We got a good soaking yesterday and Monday; we really needed it but you poor people up there need it more at this point. We’re on water restrictions, though, even with all the recent rain. It’s been a dry year!

    I’m glad your power wasn’t off for too long–esp not all night! Ours was out for several hours one night last week. It was actually quite nice b/c the storm had dropped the temperature about 30 degrees, so it never got hot in the house thanks to the cool breeze outside.

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