Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “Whitethorn Woods”

Whitethorn Woods by Maeve BinchyI finished another library book last night, one that I had requested and received from their waiting list, “Whitethorn Woods” by Maeve Binchy. I have read most of her work in the past and always enjoyed her books. This one was no exception, although I will say, I don’t think it was one of my favorites of hers. I haven’t read one of her books in a while, but I do own several (collecting dust on my bookshelves!), and I probably need to glance through some of them soon. I’m thinking this one was not like her normal books. It seemed a little more disjointed in how she flipped from character to character, in telling the story of the townspeople. Half the time, when I started the chapter, I had no idea who the character was, or how they would tie into other characters she had “flitted” through in her telling of the story. This sort of bothered me at first, but I settled into it fairly quickly, and I did enjoy the book. I didn’t love it, but I did like it. Always the case with me 🙂 Especially considering it’s a library book. I’m always more critical of the books I buy. Something about that expenditure of money from my pocket, I imagine.

For the record, that makes 39 books so far this year, for a total of 12, 117 pages read. Up next is another book from the bestseller list, that I was on the reserve list for at the library – “Back on Blossom Street” by Debbie Macomber. I’m looking forward to reading it – I loved Blossom Street and A Good Yarn and look forward to revisiting those characters. I just ran to the library early this morning and picked it up. And, me being me, I couldn’t just walk into the library and pick up one book on hold. Oh no! 😀 I had to peruse and get more books. I picked up the next book in the No 1. Ladies Detective Agency series (for me, I’m up to book 6, “In the Company of Cheerful Ladies”). I also have to always check out the new release shelves up front. I saw a new book by Elizabeth Berg. I’ve read two Berg books so far and enjoyed both of them, and although I don’t remember hearing anything about this one, I picked it up anyway. It’s called “Dream When You’re Feeling Blue”. I hope it’s as good as her others.

Happy Reading everyone!

  1. Simply Dawn Said,

    Wow 39 books this year so far! That’s great. I wish I had more time to read. I miss it!

  2. guppyman Said,

    Just stopped by after reading your comment on my wife’s page – http://her.guppystorm.com

    I use a Kodak Easyshare z740. The pics you commented on are mostly untouched (I did brighten the second one slightly using Picasa2).

    The secret to getting great shots – take lots and lots of pictures (and then even more). I typically will go take a walk around the yard snapping shots- I’ll come back in and realize I took 180 pics. 4 or 5 might be good enough to do something with. (Sometimes more, sometimes less)

    I’m sure the neighbors think I’m odd standing in the front yard snapping 20 pics in a row of the exact same thing, but that’s ok. I’m having fun with it.

  3. Heidi Said,

    I like the way you present your honest opinion of the books you read.

  4. Debi Said,

    The library is a dangerous place, isn’t it? LOL Enjoy your latest acquisitions!

  5. Susanne Said,

    Well, you’ve read more books so far than what is my goal for the whole year! Way to go!

  6. Presentstorm Said,

    I have been on a reading kick lately. I love to get lost in a good book. I am really enjoying “The cubicle next door” right now. Thanks for stopping by today 🙂

  7. DawnK Said,

    WOW! You are up to 39 books and 12,000 pages?? I could never hope to keep up with you! I’m up to 15 books and just over 5,000 pages. It is fun, keeping track of the pages! I’ve read three books, about Theodore Roosevelt’s trip down the River of Doubt, in the Amazon rainforest. One was for my book discussion group and then I was talking about it at work, and one of my coworkers told me there were 2 other books, besides! Now, I just found out that Shopaholic and Baby, is at the library, ready for me to pick up tomorrow! I’m so ready, to sit down and read a Sophie Kinsella book. I’m ready for some lighter reading!

  8. CoachJ Said,

    Gosh!! Way to go! I used to read that much, but have slowed wwaaayyy down in the last year due to basketball.

  9. Jennifer Said,

    39 books this year? Wow, I’m jealous!
    I guess I could get more reading in if I wasn’t such an Internet junkie!
    Have you read the “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” books? I keep seeing them and thinking they look cute, but haven’t read them yet….

  10. deb Said,

    39 books! I’m impressed!! I suppose if I “unplugged”, I could read that much, too lol 😉

  11. Shawna Said,

    I think I’m about to check out my library’s website,and see which books they have in! Whose winning so far? You or your sister? And are you going to win some sort of prize for reading the most books? 🙂

  12. Karen Said,

    I felt the same way about Whitethorn Woods, maybe found it even less appealing because Ilistened to it on tape during a road trip and kept falling asleep! I guess that says something. I do like Maeve Binchy’s books. Tara Road was one of my favorites.

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