Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Musings on the Grocery Store

Shopping CartI just got back from the grocery store, and was once again struck by something I find so amusing. Every time I go to the grocery store, whether to the local one near my house or the Super Walmart a little further away, I see a few lost looking men. These men usually have lists in their hand, and they seem to be totally lost, wandering aimlessly through the grocery aisles. Most of them have cell phones stuck to their ear, or I see them fumbling for their cell phone, to call in a question. Most men, it seems, wander the store with the phone perpetually on, so that their wives or whoever can talk them through the entire shopping expedition. The rare exception – this morning I saw an older gentleman making tracks through the grocery. He had three things – milk, beer and some flowers. I found that mildly amusing too. 🙂

Anyway, I love the grocery store and love to go food shopping. Must be part of my whole inherent “love to eat” mentality. I sometimes try to stop and help these little lost male lambs in the store, but most of the time, they are on the phone, so I leave them alone. I think Tim would be the same way, except that he really doesn’t ever go to the grocery store for me. He’ll go if I ask him, to pick up a few things, but that happens very seldom, maybe a handful of times a year. I can’t remember the last time he went to get more than one or two things by himself. He’ll go with me occasionally to Walmart, and hang out in the magazines, sporting goods, automotive or electronics section until I call him on the cell phone to tell him to meet me up front at the checkout. He’s not thrilled about going, but he will go if I ask him. Such a sweetie 🙂

How about you? This can be a really quick “Question of the Day” – do you like to go grocery shopping or do you detest it?

  1. Shayna Said,

    I get to be first!! that NEVER happens… Anyway, I enjoy grocery shopping to an extent. I DON’T like doing it by myself with my 2 and 3 yr old. That is darn near impossible, by myself is ok, but I like when WE ALL go to the grocery store together, hubby and kids and me. It is more fun and I like having the help!

  2. Carrie Said,

    I *love* grocery shopping. Always have. Not sure why. My Mom was a single mom and hated grocery shopping. She hardly ever went. I remember being a teenager and she would give me the grocery money and have me do all her shopping. :o)

  3. Debi Said,

    I hate it! But I am blessed to have a husband who isn’t lost in the grocery store. I make the menu and the grocery list (which he sometimes rearranges, because he knows where everything is MUCH better than I do). Then he heads off and does the weekly shopping. Lucky me!

  4. Susanne Said,

    One of those guys you saw with the cell phones was probably my hubby! :vD He’ll always phone with a question even though I give him a detailed description.

    I hate grocery shopping simply for the fact that I have to go with a budget which calls for a calculator. If I could just go and get whatever I wanted it would be so much less stressful.

  5. Susie Said,

    I don’t love it, but I don’t really hate it, either. Jeff and I have a running joke because every time I need him to pick up just a few things, one of them is inevitably something he will not be able to find. He always pleads, “Please don’t ask me to find red-striped grape-flavored buffalo water chestnuts.” LOL! 😀

  6. Laura Said,

    I hate it. My husband is a trooper and does the shopping most of the time. Otherwise we will go together. I don’t think I’ve been grocery shopping alone once since we’ve been married.

  7. Sandra Said,

    I LOVE grocery shopping if I’m alone but completely HATE it if I have the kids with me. I’m usually the psycho frazzled mom running down the aisle yelling at the kids to put things back or “get back here this minute” LOL

    Your mention of the men at the grocery store is hilarious but SO true 🙂

  8. Dianne Said,

    Oh and don’t you love when those “lost” men need your assistance? The other night a guy was standing in front of the tuna and looked at me in frustration. “She said right here – ‘tuna in boil bag’ – I didn’t know you could boil tuna.”

    I said, hmm. Maybe she means “foil bag?” I thought the guy was gonna kiss me right there! Maybe his wife just needs to type the list from now on!!!

    Funny post!

  9. Lauren S. Said,

    Thankfully, my husband isn’t lost in the store. He does our grocery shopping every week! He does occasionally call me if he is not sure about something I put on the list, but as long as I don’t have to go to the store with the kids, that’s fine!

  10. Melody Said,

    I love grocery shopping! I love looking at all the items (especially the fruits/vegs section) and my eyes will go wide whenever I see they have promotions, hehe. 😛

  11. Lynne Said,

    I really don’t mind going grocery shopping, as long as Dom doesn’t come with me. He has to stand and read every label on every box and bottle. How hard is it to find a bottle of grape juice?? But it seems, no matter how much I buy, I always come home and there’s nothing to eat. I always seem to buy the same old stuff. I need to break out of my rut.

  12. Kim Said,

    Fun question, Stacy. I am a grocery store snob. Okay, now that I’ve admitted that, I’ll explain. I do shop at Walmart on occasion because I know that save money by shopping there, but I do NOT EVER ENJOY walmart. I tolerate Kroger’s here in town, because it’s the best option I have. I like nice grocery stores with a market type atmosphere–you know fresh flowers, wooden crates, etc. I do drive to Nashville to Wild Oats Market or the Fresh Market from time to time and usually hit Publix there for the things the other stores don’t carry. When we first moved to NY, my neighbor said “once you’ve shopped at Wegmans’, nothing else will suit you.” She was so right. I love Wegman’s. It’s a family owned chain in upstate NY, and they really know how to create a pleasant atmosphere.

  13. JennaG Said,

    It depends–if I’m bored, I like it. If I’m way busy, I detest it. We don’t have many to choose from around here.

  14. kaliblue Said,

    I love going to the grocery store. I like browsing at the new products, plus I get new ideas for recipes :-). My hubs looks like a liitle lost one sometimes when I send him by the store on the way home. I even tell him to write a list and he still calls asking me questions *giggles*. He likes going with me to the stores instead.

  15. Sparky Duck Said,

    I am HIGHLY insulted by this question. I know where every single danged thing is in not one, not two, but 3 supermarkets!

  16. Sherry Said,

    I like grocery shopping. I like menu planning, grocery listing, couponing, and shopping. No surprise there, huh?


  17. Claire Said,

    I like it. In fact, when my parents still lived here, I would sometimes go shopping for mama after she had made the list. I often knew what she had in her pantry better than she did!

    One thing I notice at the store are the carts of the older (meaning elderly) people! They invariably have 5-6 things consistenly…bananas, cereal (like Cheerios or Corn Flakes), bread, ice cream (the good stuff – Breyer’s), and milk. It’s kind of funny. Check it out the next time you shop!

  18. amy Said,

    I kind of like to go. Its easier for me to go by myself and not with hubby. I love people watching, especially moms with kids!!

  19. Cam Said,

    I love it, but I only love it when I’m by myself. Whenever G is with me, I just try to get done as quickly as possible because, even though I make him behave (and he’s usually good anyway), he gets restless after a long time. It’s also distracting just having him there, so I can’t leisurely stroll through and enjoy the process like I do when I’m alone. On the other hand, it’s fun having him there to chat with and to answer all his MANY questions about what we’re looking at, so having him with me is fun in its own way.

  20. jen Said,

    I used to love it. Now with Miller getting so big…I have to get him to stay with mom…and I go twice a month only. SO I’m there for almost 2 hours…yes. I detest it now. Hate it is more like it.

  21. Southern Girl Said,

    I used to LOVE to go to the grocery store, back when I didn’t care what size I was and had more money than sense. I never went with a list — I just walked down each aisle and if it looked good, I got it. What’s not to love about that?! 😉 Mmm, that was the period when I would buy a bucket of fried chicken livers from the store deli. *sigh* I miss those chicken livers.

    Now that I can’t eat just whatever appeals to me and I have to count my pennies, my grocery store love has lessened to just “like.” But that’s probably for the best. 😉

  22. annie Said,

    Hi Stacy,
    I like the shopping, hate the carrying in and putting away though!

  23. rach Said,

    I love going to the grocery. In fact, it’s a family thing. My husband, son and I always go to the grocery together and we also bring the maids so that they could buy their personal needs. Then after buying groceries, we would have some snacks before going home.

  24. Heidi Said,

    The grocery store can be an amusement. My husband can barely be trusted to go to the grocery, not because he can’t do it, but because he brings so much chocolate home in addition to the listed items! 🙂

  25. Mandalyn Said,

    I love going grocery shopping if I can go without my husband. He stresses me out by trying to cut corners for monetary sake! I understand that we need to budget but he makes me nervous when we grocery shop together! He is wonderful though–just looking out for our family, I know!

  26. trista Said,

    I don’t mind it, but I wouldn’t say that I love or hate grocery shopping. I do prefer other kinds of shopping instead. 🙂 I prefer to shop by myself. Joshua has his moments in the store, so that can be a challenge. He is at least at the age now that he can help. I will hand him an item, and he will turn and toss it into the buggy. Alan is sweet enough to call on the way home from work and offer to pick up a few things if I need them. That can be a double edged sword though, b/c is he is hungry he tends to come home with lots of HIS favorite snacks. 🙂

  27. mamichelle Said,

    Hate it. I guess when I’m there it’s not so bad but getting there and then unloading….UGH.

    On the other hand, my dh offers to do it (now that he’s unemployed) and I won’t let him. I want what I want!! And he wants a detailed list. I don’t want to take the time to make that list so I’d rather go myself!

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