Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Weather Nut

Weather ManYep, that’s me, a weather nut! I am the kind of person who really needs to know what the weather is going to be like. I watch the Weather Channel a lot, and I load weather information on my computer. I watch the local weather forecasts and I even glance at it in the newspaper, even though I can get more up to date weather from the TV or Internet. I just like to know what the temperature and forecast is going to be – which is in diametric opposition to Tim. Tim could care less and never has a clue what the weather is going to be. He will make plans to play golf on a day when there’s a 90% chance of rain. He never knows. If it wasn’t for me incessantly informing him of the weather, he would never know. Truth be told, I think he likes it that way 🙂

Believe it or not, it was Tim that suggested that I ask this as a Question of the Day; he thinks there are two kinds of people. Those who follow the weather, very faithfully, and those who could care less. Plain and simple.

So – which one are you? Do you care about the weather and watch the forecast or not? Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Simply Dawn Said,

    I check weather.com everyday! I have to know how the weather is working each week as to how to plan things b/c if it’s sunny…i can kiss patt bye all day, if it’s gonna rain, I may get a few things done if I start complainning about them before the rain 🙂

  2. Debi Said,

    Definite watchers here! Especially in the winter! Rich has to know how early he’s going to have to get up. Which is entirely dependent on how much snow falls overnight…and believe me, here in upstate NY that’s almost a nightly occurrence. (If it’s only going to be 3″, he can sleep till his normal time and ignore it, but if it’s going to be much more than that he gets up earlier to shovel. And to clean off the cars…he’s so sweet, he always does mine, too!)
    During the summer, we’re not quite so diligent about watching, unless we have plans where the weather would factor in.

  3. Write From Karen Said,

    Tim might be right – there might be two kinds of people. I was going to answer I’m somewhere in between, but if I were to be perfectly honest, I’d have to say I’m one of those people who check the weather – a lot. Especially here in Missouri. You can wake up to sunny skies and 60-degree weather, only for it to deteriorate throughout the day until it’s snowing and below freezing (I WISH I were exaggerating).

    As a result, you never really know how to dress. I always check the morning OF the day to tell, oops, ADVISE the kids on what to wear to school. *grin* Checking any earlier than the day OF is a waste of time because it changes so fast.

  4. Dawn Said,

    i am very much on top of the weather! i need to plan how i will dress or pack for a trip or head over to Disney. i have a weather program on my computer & i am always clicking on it to check out the latest updates!

  5. Karla Said,

    I love watching the weather! Jim Cantore (on the Weather Channel) is my FAVORITE weather person.

    I, like Dawn, have the weather program on my computer. You can download it from weather.com. It gives me a little icon on the bottom right of my desktop with the current temp. If I click on it, a bigger window will pop up with the forecast and everything I need to know about what is going on weather-wise…plus weather alerts! Very neat!!

  6. Debi Said,

    I don’t pay much attention to the weather. Unless other people are talking about it. But generally I’m surprised when I walk outside in the morning and it’s snowing. Like today. In March. 2 days before spring. Snowing. Yes I live in Michigan. Blech!

  7. Stacy Said,

    I listen to the weather once a day, until it is currently storming. Then I have the weather maps open.

    Jeff is always on top of it when he is working (he kinda has to be) so he could care less when he is home. He is much better with weather maps than most people and he knows all the most accurate sites. I love his weather knowledge.

  8. Suzanne Said,

    I like to know what the weather forecast is, I look in paper, they show 5-7 days out, tho it can really change. I view the Weather channel online when I really need to know more short term. I think you either grew up with it or not…is my theory.

  9. rach Said,

    I don’t usually watch the weather report unless I’m going to travel. But I keep posted about the news when I know that there is a storm coming.

    Have a great week ahead.

  10. Cam Said,

    Definite weather-watchers here! I’ve always been that way (Philip too), but we especially keep an eye on the weather because we go out and walk every day, unless it’s raining or brutally cold. Especially in the summer, you can always find us checking the local radar before setting out to walk, just to be sure we’re not going to be caught in a thunderstorm.

  11. Lynne Said,

    Are we weather watchers? You bet! My daughter Donna graduated from Penn State with a BS in meteorology and worked at the Weather Channel. She did radio broadcasts for different stations across the country. One of her stations was here in Atlanta, and I could listen to her each afternoon coming home from work. She might even have done YOUR weather on the radio!

  12. Kim Said,

    I guess I’m a little weather bug. I do check the forecast daily so I know how to dress the kids, but other than that I don’t really mind what the weather is going to be. I do have a little weather bubble on my desktop with the current temperature (it’s a little google gadget) so I know if I need a jacket or not to walk the dog when I wake up in the morning. I’m not aa morning person at all, so this helps me not have to think so hard when he’s in a hurry to go outside. That said, I LOVE severe weather…hurricane season is awesome tv watching!

  13. Sparky Duck Said,

    I watch during the local news, just to sorta know, but I dont waste anytime with the weather channel, especially now on satellite, since I dont even get local forecasts. I know why you watch, Jim Cantore!

    oh youve been tagged, lucky u

  14. amy Said,

    Youve been tagged

  15. amy Said,

    Scratch that. sparky already tagged you..bummer

  16. Melody Said,

    I don’t really pay much attention to the weather forecast, anyway I always bring an umbrella along so I don’t have to worry. 😉

  17. Marianne Said,

    I watch the weather a lot… and tend to make plans based on what the forecasters have to say. BUT… I typically don’t believe it entirely until the night before. Things can change dramatically from day to day. I’m a freak about looking at the online radar loop, too.

    I imagine that when a cable channel devoted to the weather was originally proposed, it was laughed at. Who would be that interested in the weather? LOL… that would be ME!

  18. Laura Said,

    Big weather nut here. My brother too. Every day my husband and coworkers ask me what the weather is going to be like. I check 3-4 weather sites every morning before work, then frequently throughout the day. 🙂 Oh and I LOVE weather – snow, rain, hailstorms, lightning, etc.

  19. Heidi Said,

    Hi Stacy. Did you get all your computer woes worked out?

    I like to know the weather, I usually check online. I’m not as good at checking it regularly as I used to be.

  20. Susie Said,

    I used to watch The Weather Channel faithfully, but now that the Internet has taken over my life, I usually just check http://www.wunderground.com for our local forecast. Of course, when hurricane season is going on, I have to stay up to date on any brewing storms because they fascinate me to no end.

  21. Southern Girl Said,

    I’m sort of an in between kind of person. I keep a vague eye on the weather and generally always know what the weather’s expected to be on any given day, but I never watch The Weather Channel or pay special attention to the radar or the extended forecast unless I have something coming that the weather would effect.

    However, I am fascinated by tornadoes and as long as no one got hurt or there wasn’t any serious damage, I would love to see and hear one somewhat up close. 😉

  22. Claire Said,

    I’m a weather person. In the morning, I turn on the Today show. THis helps me catch the news because I only see the first 45 mintues or so. However, the main reason I turn it on is to catch the weather. I also like checking the 10-day forcast. I checked for Saturday because I have a fundraiser that I’m organizing…SUNNY. BUT I did see that next Wednesday it is supposed to be 88 degrees. OKAY, it’s only mid-March, not time for 90 degrees yet! Another thing I’ve noticed…because I have Jackson MS and TN weather on my MSN page, is that they are usually 5-10 degrees cooler than we are. GREAT!

  23. mamichelle Said,

    Yes, we definitely watch in my house. My mom and dh argue about what it’s going to be for the next day. One watches the Weather Channel and our local station forecast (my neighbor is the weather man), and the other (mom) watches another channel. I swear they race to the thermometer in the kitchen to see what the temp is in the a.m.! LOL I just listen and laugh.

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