Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Question of the Day

SpaghettiToday’s question is short and sweet – when you eat spaghetti, do you twirl it or cut it?

Here’s why I ask – tonight, we’re having a new recipe for a crockpot chicken spaghetti. I make regular spaghetti a lot (red meat or ground turkey or prebought meatballs), and I’ve made chicken spaghetti (baked in the oven) before. This is a new recipe and I’m looking forward to trying it. I’ll report back on it next Monday, via the Menu Plan Monday, with my thoughts on the recipe. Anyway, every time we have spaghetti I notice that Tim and I are different. He’s a twirler, and I’m a cutter. I like to chop my spaghetti up into short strands with my fork, then scoop it up. Tim twirls and twirls and then jams a huge wad of noodles in his mouth. 🙂

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – do you cut or twirl your spaghetti? Leave me a comment and let me know. You know, since this is such an earth-shattering topic and all. 😀

  1. Dawn Said,

    twirl. it’s all about the twirl. i don’t use a spoon with my fork though. i just twirl using the plate.

  2. gail Said,

    Both, but probably mostly cut it! I don’t want to get too big of a wad at one time!

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    I’m sort of somewhere in between. When I’m cooking it, I try to chop the spaghetti up a little bit, but when I’m eating it, I definitely don’t twirl, but I don’t cut anymore either. Mostly I stab at a bunch of spaghetti and kinda of wiggle it onto my fork. *g*

  4. Lisa Said,

    Cutter. I like it in itty-bitty pieces. For my toddler I run the pizza cutter around his place a few times, I’m often tempted to cut my own that way as well.

  5. Debi Said,

    Total twirler. No spoon, just fork.

  6. Heidi Said,

    I usually twirl it. I guess because it is fun. 🙂

  7. Becky Said,

    I’m a twirler! No spoon for me either! Just twirl it and shove it in! 😉 Fun question!

  8. Susie Said,

    I twirl mine, too. It’s no fun if you cut it up. 🙂

  9. Judi Said,

    I do both. I think it stems from my hate for making decisions! LOL!

  10. Barb Said,

    Twirl it, against a spoon. Always have. 🙂

  11. Susanne Said,

    Gotta be twirl otherwise it wouldn’t be spaghetti, just pasta. And twirl on the plate, never a spoon!

  12. Karla Said,

    twirler 🙂

  13. Stacy Said,

    I cut! In a straight line. I do not like my spaghetti to be round. It must be square on my plate. Weird I know, but my dad ate his that way too. My mom laughed when she saw me eat that way 🙂

  14. Lynne Said,

    I’m a cutter, but my Italian husband twirls – and slurps. He, of course, makes fun of me. But when all is said and done, I’ve got my spaghetti neatly into my mouth – his is all over his shirt and the placemat!

  15. Becca Said,

    I WANT THE RECIPE! Heehee! I am a twirler..but I have to have a towel for my shirt because I always make a mess!

  16. Kim Said,

    I am not only a cutter, but I break it into thirds when I cook it. I suppose that would directly impact the rest of my non-twirling family. Delaney (the youngest) has tried to twirl, but it’s always too short. Maybe I will leave it intact next time I cook it….fun question.

  17. Sparky Duck Said,

    twirl and slurp, usually

  18. Claire Said,

    I don’t eat spaghetti! But if I HAVE to eat it I do it both ways…not picky the way I eat it, just what it is!

  19. Melody Said,

    I’m definitely a ‘twirler’! LOL.

  20. Laura Said,

    I twirl a bit, then spoon in mouth and bite off the ends that are still hanging. It’s probably the least polite way to eat spaghetti ever. Lol.

  21. Suzanne Said,

    I used to cut it up, cause that’s what my famiy did, but now I am more of a twirler, I have eaten out with some real Italian folks and that’s what they do !

  22. DawnK Said,

    I’m a cutter! Sometimes I twirl, though, but not a big wad. I was at Noodle’s recently and got Wholegrain Tuscan Fettucini and the noodles would not stay on my fork, so really had to resort to cutting, so I could eat!

    Thanks for the birthday wish, by the way!

  23. mamichelle Said,

    I’m a little of both. If I cook it, I break the spaghetti in half before I put it in the pan. T hat way I can twirl without a humongous mouthful. If it’s in full form, I try to twirl but sometimes cut a little and then twirl.

    Great question! Have a great weekend!!

  24. Raggedy Said,

    I twirl and hubby cuts.

  25. Cam Said,

    I twirl, but admittedly I also slurp it up, whenever I’m in the comfort of my home. 🙂 It’s probably more like half-twirl, half-slurp. LOL!

  26. rach Said,

    I twirl mine but I cut my son’s spaghetti for him.

  27. Marianne Said,

    Twirl and slurp unless I’m in public and then I use my spoon for assistance… 🙂

  28. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    Cutter, first one way across the plate and then rotate 90 degrees and cut the other way and enjoy!

  29. TeaMouse Said,

    Twirler definitely!

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