Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “Her Perfect Match”

Her Perfect Match by Kate WelshI finished this book a couple of nights ago and have been meaning to write a blurb about it. Not really a book review. I’ve decided after reading many “book reviews” at other people’s blogs that I cannot write a good review. I don’t think I write well enough to compare with most of you, LOL! So, I’m going to call them book blurbs and stick to that 😆

This is a book that I borrowed from my mother-in-law over the Christmas holidays. She had several of these, and I borrowed three, I think. They all say “Love Inspired” at the top, and the tagline “heartwarming inspirational romance”. So, I guess you could call them a Christian romance, but I didn’t really consider this book a romance book. It was a love story yes, but it’s not a romance in the sense of the Harlequin romance type of book.

I really liked it, and am glad I read it. It was light and predictable, but a good read. This particular one is about Elizabeth, a woman living with a “spoiled heiress” reputation, when in reality, she’s neither spoiled nor an heiress, but is hiding behind a mask of hurt and pain from a traumatic event that happened to her as a teenager. She was raped and has never been able to get close to a man since it happened. She has friends, family that she doesn’t like or respect, and a job she enjoys. Then, she meets Jackson, a man who moves to the horse ranch next door to become their foreman. He has his own reasons for being there, having just found out that he was adopted. He’s looking for his family and doesn’t realize at first that he will now find the woman of his dreams. It was predictable, it was light, it was easy to read, and it had a Christian slant to it. My kind of book. 🙂

For the record, that makes #2 for the year (I had previously finished “The Betrayal”, book 2 in the Beverly Lewis series I am reading), with a total of 610 pages read. Up next is a book I just started and I know already that I’m going to love, “The Year of Pleasures” by Elizabeth Berg. Berg is a new author for me, but one I have been wanting to read for a while. I think this one is going to be wonderful – so far, I am totally entranced and in love with her style of writing. Check back soon for the review of that one 🙂

  1. Sherry Said,

    Sounds like a good read! I have only finished one so far this year, and it wasn’t very good 🙁 I am fumbling through “Sense and Sensibility” — it is awesome and I am enjoying it, but with the language it doesn’t really read smoothly, it reads ‘bumpily’. LOL If that makes any sense!

    I can’t decide if I will just read straight through S&S or read another along side it?

    I will be doing a quick “blurb” about the book I finished — it doesn’t deserve a whole review! ha ha


  2. Laura Said,

    I like what I’ve read of Berg. I’m always looking to try new ones from her.

  3. Debi Said,

    Wow, Stacy…you’re amazing! Wish I could discipline myself enough to get that much reading in. I’ve been reading the same Tom Clancy book for the past few MONTHS! (Maybe if I didn’t have to do so much extraneous reading for homeschooling purposes, I don’t know.) Anyway, I’ve decided I need to make a list of books that sound good “for someday”, so I’m glad you share your little book blurbs!

  4. Susie Said,

    That does sound like a good book! I’ll have to keep my eye out for that one. I have “Year of Pleasures” too. Maybe I’ll read it soon and we can chat about it! 🙂

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