Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Book Tag

I saw over at Dawn‘s blog that she had tagged me and also my sister Gail with a book tag. Fun, here we go!

Here are the rules/requirements:
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence.
3. Post the text of the following 3 sentences on your blog.
4. Name of the author and book.
5. Tag three people of your own.

OK, the closest book is “The Betrayal” by Beverly Lewis, a book I just recently finished. I’ve flipped to page 123, and gone down to the fourth sentence. Here’s the next three sentences of text:

“Well, I daresay none of them has ever had such a defiant streak.” Mamma had frowned and shook her head. Clearly aggravated, she groaned a bit as she bent down to hoist the wicker hamper filled with damp clothing.

Hmmm, not very exciting, that passage. It’s a good book though, book 2 in a series of 5 books about the Amish as told by Christian author Beverly Lewis.

I won’t tag anyone specifically, but please feel free to play along. Leave me a comment if you play, and I’ll be sure to come and visit and leave you a comment! 🙂

  1. Stacy Said,

    Hmmm, my head’s all stuffy and I can’t think straight. I’ll play this! It won’t take much brain power…

  2. Debi Said,

    What a fun tag! I’ll definitely play!

  3. Cam Said,

    Hey, I’ll play, too. I thought yours was interesting!

  4. Ms. Understood » Blog Archive » Book Tag Said,

    […] I just saw this at Stacy’s blog, and I tagged myself because I thought it was interesting: Book Tag […]

  5. Ms. Understood » Blog Archive » Said,

    […] I just saw this at Stacy’s blog, and I tagged myself because I thought it was interesting: […]

  6. Claire Said,

    I’ll just post mine here! THis is from Anne’s House of Dreams by Lucy Maude Montgomery.

    “I must–I must. When I knew you were going to live I vowed that I would tell you as soon as you were well–that I wouldn’t go on accepting your friendship and companionship without telling you how unworthy I was of it. And I’ve been so afraid–ift would turn you against me.”

  7. Susanne Said,

    I finished that whole series last year. I really enjoyed it. Enjoyed reading about the Amish life style that Beverly Lewis has as a foundation to her stories. I love how you’ve got your book list set up in your sidebar, showing the actual book.

  8. Dawn Said,

    kept meaning to post… yay! you played! =)

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