Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Fantasy Football

Fantasy FootballOur fantasy football league has sadly come to an end. I hated to see it finish — we have such a good time playing every week. Congratulations go out to our friend Chris (code name: Jurisprudence What?) for coming in first, and to our friend Michael (code name: Skull Crushers) for being the runner-up. They both had a really great season! Both of their teams were pretty awesome, and they were both really hard to beat! Tim (code name: WhoDat) and our nephew Zack (code name: Bone Crushers), battled it out for third place, with Tim coming in third. I didn’t do too bad; I was pretty pleased with my results, although of course I would have rather won! I came in 5th (out of 16 teams in our league) and was the highest scoring female. My blog buddy Dawn also made it into the playoffs with me, and we were the only women who did. The men really dominated this year!

Anyway, we hated to see it come to an end, and can’t wait for next year. Next year will be the third annual Hambones fantasy football league, cool huh?! In the mean time, we’re really excited about the playoffs around here. Tim, my devoted Saints fan, is on cloud 9 that his team has made it into the playoffs, and we can’t believe they have a first round bye! We’ll be rooting for them and then looking forward to the Super Bowl!

P.S. Tim wants me to say “Geaux Saints!!!”

  1. Claire Said,

    I plan on trying to do the league next year! We’ll secretly root for the Colts!

  2. Gail Said,

    I don’t watch football usually but really want the Saints to do well! Read an article in Jackson paper a few days ago that gave some of the background on players and such and when you read those things, it makes you feel for them and root for them all the more. Hope they do well!

  3. Gail Said,

    P.S. Way to go Chris!
    The guys ruled this year! I’m so out of my league, not sure I’ll play again.

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