Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Rainy Day

It’s a total wash-out here at our house today. It’s been raining since before we got up and really hasn’t stopped all day. The rain effectively ruled out Tim playing golf or hitting golf balls (his preferred thing to do with any spare time). He watched a golf DVD for a while and then read a golf book for a while… finally, we decided to turn on college bowl games and pulled this out:


So, yeah, we’re going to work on a jigsaw puzzle this weekend after all! 🙂 Or at least, I am! :mrgreen: It’s a whopping 1000 pieces, so send some good jigsaw puzzle vibes our way!

  1. Gail Said,

    Well, wonder if I pull one out I can get anybody here to work one with me! We need to live closer Sis!

  2. viamarie Said,

    Love puzzles. Been such a long time since I put together one.

    Before blogger gives me another problem, I’d like to take this chance to greet you and your family a Happy and Healthy 2007.


  3. southernfriedgirl Said,

    Oh my lord, it is nuts here too. Craziness.

  4. Debi Said,

    I might be working on a jigsaw puzzle tomorrow at a friends’ house for New Years Eve. That is, if I get my nap in first. LOL!

    Happy New Year!

  5. deb Said,

    Oh gosh I love jigsaw puzzles! I haven’t done one in years but I used to spend many, many hours working on them. Good luck with yours! Wish I could be there to help lol! Our cats would completely destroy any puzzle I tried to do…that’s why I stopped.

  6. Southern Girl Said,

    I’m trying to wrap my mind around the idea of watching a *golf* DVD and I just can’t do it. heee!

    It has poured down here all day, too. No jigsaw to keep me busy though, but that would have been nice — provided the cat would have left it alone, which of course, she wouldn’t have. 😉 Instead, I spent hours blogging my year in review. Ack!

  7. Claire Said,

    We pulled out a puzzle, too! Unfortunately, it was only a couple of days before I left and we were in Memphis one of those days. I made mama promise not to tear it up until she finished. It is a Tiffany window of a peacock. Everything looks the same, so it’s pretty hard. I put together the body of the peacock and now it’s down to the feathers. I think it would be one of those that you could set and frame, it’s so pretty.

  8. Barb Said,

    You have no idea how much the OCD in me loves the way those pieces are sorted. This makes me want to pull out a puzzle too.

    Happy New Year! Wish I could help you with that puzzle.

  9. Stacy Said,

    Wow! I wish I could help you put that together. My mom & I used to work puzzles all the time. We even had a big piece of wood we would put them on so we could carry them around the house.

    I think I need to go buy myself a puzzle. I don’t think I have one in the house now.

  10. Susie Said,

    You tickle me with your organizational skills; I love your color-coordinated piles! I would have never thought to do that, even with a big puzzle like that. You’ll have to post a picture once you get it finished!

    It’s a rainy day for us here now as the system moved eastward. It’s all dark and gloomy. :/ Hope your weather is better down there now. 🙂

  11. rach Said,

    A jigsaw puzzle is a perfect activity for a rainy day. Good luck and have lots of fun putting it together.

  12. Eden Said,

    I love jigsaw puzzles. Steve’s brother and wife, gave me a CSI puzzle 2 Christmas ago, that I still haven’t put together b/c our table was too small. We recently got a kitchen table that we actually have room for more than 2 plates. lol. Thanks for reminding me about the puzzle, I’ll have to dig it out and work on it today. It was raining all day yesterday for us, as well.

  13. Shawna Said,

    I never get to do jigsaw puzzles anymore since I have a little one running around. I think I still have a small collection of them, though.

    It’s been raining here a lot, too, but we managed to make it to my parents house for lunch, yesterday. They live about 40 minurtes away.

    Good luck with your puzzle!

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