Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Calphalon & Wallpaper

Well, today turned out to be a busy day. I had planned to do many things, some of which got done, and others got pushed to the back burner in favor of what Tim wanted to do. 😮

It rained all afternoon and evening, so no walking. Tim surprised me and came home pretty early this afternoon. He has to work tonight starting at 1 AM, although he has already starting moving some files now, at 10 PM, in preparation for the 11 PM project. His main stuff starts at 1 AM. Poor baby, it’s gonna be a long night!

He wanted to get the wallpaper up, since he came home early. He painted on the ShieldZ stuff under where the border will go, then took a nap while it was drying. After a power ranger thingie, he was up and raring to go. I, on the other hand, already had projects and regular chores in mind. I took out all of the cookware from one of my cabinets (the old stuff), ripped up the old contact paper, cleaned everything good, and put down new non-adhesive gripper paper stuff. I washed all my new Calphalon and put it all up, and boxed up the old stuff for a garage sale. Supper was a new recipe, that I need to go type up and add to the recipe database on Hambones. I was ready after supper to wind down and watch my shows (3 tonight), but SuperSlaveDriver Tim was raring to get the wallpaper border up. It’s 10:20 PM and we have just finished. Geez, I had wanted to stop about 3 hours ago! Oh well, it’s up now and looks like this (except no bare spots now!):


Got a ton of stuff to do tomorrow, that didn’t get done today, and we’re looking forward to seeing Jeremy. We’re so glad he’s getting to come, and I just wish he could stay longer.

I hope the rain stops by in the morning. It’s awful soggy in that mud pit of a backyard 😈

Poor Tim has to work again Thursday night, hopefully this is the last one. Then he goes on-call Friday morning! 😀

  1. Kurt Said,

    “After a power ranger thingie” . . . was it a mega-turbo power ranger? 😯

    Seriously, what’s a “power ranger thingie”?

  2. Stacy Said,

    Sorry Kurt, inside joke! Tim calls a 20 minute nap a “ranger” nap, I nickednamed it a power nap or a power ranger nap. 🙂

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