Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Question of the Day

from This site

QOTD 3/15/05
Inspired by Dale who is recovering from a really nasty broken leg and surgery –

1) Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how and what bone(s).
Nope, I’ve never broken a bone. Knock on wood.

2) What surgeries have you had? Just female (gynecological). Enough to last me for quite a while though. 😀

And for good measure, here’s yesterday’s as well:

QOTD 3/14/05
Inspired by my almost 3 year old son who has learned how to navigate a mouse the past 2 days:

What do you remember about when you first learned to use a computer? Good grief, I was in college in 1983. I remember having to change out floppies on the dual 5 1/4″ disk drives to be able to load my compiler software. What a drag. How I longed for hard drives!

Besides blogging, what do you use your computer for the most? Entertainment and communication


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