Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Monday, Monday, Monday

Well, nothing really blog-worthy today to note. Not every day can be action-packed, you know! 😀

I ran some errands this afternoon. Took one of my library books back, and checked on the one I put on hold, the next in the Stephanie Plum series (called Three to Get Deadly). It won’t be in till 3/23, unless the person brings it back early. Hope they read fast! Then, I dropped off “Shall We Dance” at Blockbuster and made a special trip inside to get my punch card punched, for bringing the movie back before the due date. They are running a promotion right now for March Madness, for free drinks and popcorn, then for a free movie rental after so many punches. I’m all for free stuff, so it was worth my extra couple of minutes to go inside and have it punched. However, either other people don’t know about this (maybe they didn’t offer them a card when they checked out), or else they just don’t want to bother with it. Because there was one person there dropping off movies, outside, when I pulled up, and then another guy in a tie dropping off movies when I was leaving. No one else went inside to get their card punched. Cheapie me did though!

I also made my big shopping trip to Walmart this afternoon. It really helps me to plan a menu every week. Reduces shopping stress, and I firmly believe it helps me to buy less every week. No more impulse shopping. Picking up ingredients, thinking, I might make this recipe or try that. I only buy what I have on my list, which is either standard items I keep that I have used up in the last week, or items that I need for this week’s menu. It really helps.

We went walking tonight when Tim got in from work. Pretty day, although still a bit chilly. I more than got my 10,000 steps in today. Right now, at 10 PM, I have 16,888 on my pedometer! Oh, and I bought Tim a pedometer today at Walmart, which he said that he did not want. So we took it back.

After walking and supper, we ran back to Walmart to return the pedometer and the wallpaper border applicator stuff that I had bought to put up the new border in our bathroom. Tim said it was for the wrong kind. Whatever. It was the only one Walmart had! So we took that and the pedometer back, then went to Home Depot to get the right kind. We watched 24, and as usual, it was great!

Nothing else going on. See, weren’t you bored senseless reading this, if you even got this far? 🙂 Maybe I’ll have something more exciting to report later in the week. Jeremy is hopefully going to come stay with us Wednesday evening. Gail and Don are gone to New Mexico with their youth group on a ski trip, so I won’t be talking to her all week. I hope they had a safe bus trip over and have good weather for skiing. 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    You could have kept that pedometer for me to buy from you so I could have one to use!

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