Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Question of the Day

OK, thought it was time to do a Question of the Day again. 🙂

We went down to see my dad and sister Suzanne this weekend, along with my sister Gail, her husband, and our dog Beau. We learned the hard way not to feed Beau a couple of hours before putting him in the kennel to ride in the back of our Explorer. Poor baby gets car sick 😥 Anyway, I brought my book, and was hoping to read in the car. I wasn’t really able to concentrate though, since the guys were talking or the radio was on.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – can you read a book or magazine while there’s noise and commotion? Or are you like me and you prefer to have it quiet while you are trying to read? Can you read while the TV or radio is on, and while people are talking? Leave me a comment and let me know! :mrgreen:

  1. Kryss Said,

    Hi Stacy, doing the circle of Tuesdays Tales players and I see you have not played in a while. We have a ton of new questions posted if you want to play catch up, or start fresh. 🙂

    To answer your QOD, I can read anywhere regardless of what is going on! 🙂

  2. Susie Said,

    I must have peace and quiet while I am reading. I once tried listening to classical music while reading, but that didn’t even work for me. I occasionally enjoy reading outside, though, so I guess I can handle some outdoor noises while I’m reading. I’m a slow reader anyway, but if there’s noise on, I might as well just forget it! 🙂

  3. Shawna Said,

    I used to have to study while the TV was on. I still like to read while its on, but I have to have it on low volume or mute, so I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. I can’t read while someone is talking though.

  4. Southern Girl Said,

    I used to be able to read no matter WHAT was going on around me. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found I need a *little*less commotion. If I’m reading a magazine or something fairly light and “fluffy,” I can stand noise around me, but if it’s a heavier, more complex piece of reading, I’ll turn off everything so I can concentrate.

    Now, reading in the car…that’s a recipe for disaster. Beau in the kennel type disaster. 😉

  5. Laura Said,

    I like to have it quiet when I’m reading, but in general I like TV as background noise.

  6. Eden Said,

    Hi Stacy! Thanx for stopping by my blog! Well, my husband doesn’t leave for work until 8:20am; so, we have plenty of time to fix breakfast together in the mornings. If Olyvia, our 6 month old, is in need of attention, then only one of us fixes breakfast, but we like to try to do it together.
    In answer to your question: Yes, I can read with the TV or radio on. Although, as I’ve gotten older, I have found it more difficult.
    Please feel free to stop anytime. I love making new blogland friends.

  7. Stacy Said,

    Poor Beau. Vader gets carsick too!

    I have to have background noise no matter what. I used to have a hard time reading while someone was talking around me, but after being married to Jeff (who talks on the phone like a teenage girl) I can read with that going on too!

  8. paperback writer Said,

    I can read anywhere and anytime, with anything on. 🙂

  9. Amanda Said,

    I have a hard time concentrating while the tv is on….unless it is a commercial. I don’t like to feel like I’m missing something. I have a hard time reading while it’s quiet too. If it’s quite and I get too still, I fall asleep. I cannot read in the car at all! I, like Beau, get carsick!

  10. Gail Said,

    Well you might already know my answer! I can read almost anywhere…..sometimes I like it quiet though but if I’m really into the book, I can sit in the room with everyone watching tv and read and be ok.
    Hey, something we might be DIFFERENT on!

  11. deb Said,

    Great question! (by the way, it feels like it’s been ages since I been here…sorry!!)
    I can’t read while I’m riding. But I don’t ride very often because I’m the only one doing the driving lol.
    I don’t have any problem reading a map, but I can’t read a book….I really do get sick at my stomach.

  12. Suzanne Said,

    I like it quiet………….Dodie once said I had a “comprehension” problem……..how’s that for confidence in me !!

  13. Sandra Said,

    I think it depends on the noise and commotion, I mean if it’s just the usual tv on, kids running around playing, I’m used to it and can easily tune them out LOL

    But if it’s somewhere else, outside of my comfort zone, then no, I have to wait until I can get home and get some peace and quiet….my favorite time to read is at night after the kids are asleep 😉

  14. Claire Said,

    I can definitely read with the TV on. It’s harder to talk with people talking unless I’m not interested in what they are talking about. I actually study with the TV on.

  15. rach Said,

    Hi Stacy. I find it hard to concentrate on what I’m reading when it’s noisy. I prefer reading in a quiet atmosphere.

    Have a lovely week ahead.

  16. Becca Said,

    I like listening to music when I read, but if someone is talking, I cannont focus.


  17. Cam Said,

    I prefer quiet when I read, but it’s not absolutely necessary. I can read when the TV’s on, music, or people talking…however, I do get distracted and I end up reading much slower.
    I absolutely CAN’T read in the car…I get carsick just sitting there looking forward, but especially so if I try to read something.

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