Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Busy-ness Abounds

Busy, busy around here. Haven’t had a moment to blog :mrgreen:

I was gone all day Friday. Had lunch and went shopping with a friend of mine (thanks Wendy, we’ll have to do it again soon!), went grocery shopping, then Tim and I went to a movie with Don and Gail last night. We went to see “Facing the Giants” and it was a very good movie. Not top rate acting, but a good story and a good message. This morning, Tim and I went and got mums and pumpkins for the front yard and got all of that setup. Then, he left to go play golf out of town with Don, so I went back shopping again 🙂 Had to return a couple of things I bought yesterday, then I picked up a couple more things while I was out. Also bought some pansies, but just for a couple of pots on my deck. The big planting of all the outside flower beds will have to wait another week or two.

So, up until an hour or so ago, I’ve been gone almost round the clock, and no time to blog, nor respond to all the nice comments I’ve had over the last couple of days. I hope to make the rounds later today or tomorrow, and visit some of my favorite blogs, and answer some emails as well. Funny how it piles up sometimes!

I also went to the library Friday and have new books up on my sidebar. I’m still working on my Fall Challenge reading list. I’ve now read 5 of 11, and have 3 more from the library to read next. Also, I seem to be in a book-buying mood, and with my birthday coming up, I hope to have a little money to go buy some new books at the bookstore with. Yippee!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend…

  1. Gail Said,

    Ah, shopping! Sounds good about now, I need to go but will have to wait a bit before I can make it to the store.
    Books, always a good thing! Yay!

  2. Stacy Said,

    Yikes! We’ve had a busy weekend too. I wish I would have had a chance to go shopping! I love to shop!

  3. Cam Said,

    Sounds like it’s been a nice weekend for you, despite the busy-ness.

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