Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Candy Corn

Candy CornI have a long standing love affair with candy corn. It goes back as far as I can remember. I guess it’s because it’s basically pure sugar. Maybe it’s because I only have it during October and November every year. Who knows. But I love and adore the stuff.

I’ve been trying to be really good, but the last few days I’ve been failing miserably. I have put off buying actual Halloween candy to give out to all of the trick-or-treaters we get. I’ll have to break down and buy that soon. In the mean time, I caved and bought my first bag of candy corn. No, this picture is not of that first bag. It’s of the second bag. And never fear, I have a third bag in my pantry, ready and waiting to be gobbled up by yours truly before the end of the month.

It’s a sickness I tell you. A sickness. 😈

OK, how about a Question of the Day: Do you buy Halloween candy at your house? If so, have you bought any, and what kind did you buy? And the biggie – have you had any of it yet?!!! 😆

  1. Gail Said,

    Well I don’t really have to say if I like candy corn, because we were TOGETHER when we bought it! But, I feel better because I’m still on that first bag we bought! It is so hard for me NOT to eat it! I will buy more candy corn, shouldn’t, but will. And I buy Halloween candy about half the time or more…..sometimes I don’t want to fool with it or we will be gone so I don’t get it but I do buy it if we plan to be here and answer the door! What kind? Silly question: is there anything besides chocolate! I buy whatever bags of little chocolate candy/candy bars that I want! You’d think I would learn to buy what I DON’T like so I wouldn’t eat it! But where’s the fun in that! 🙂

  2. Stacy Said,

    You did NOT just post a pictures of candy corn!!! I love that stuff and have been trying really hard not to buy any this year. I’m about to cave though…. Have you ever had the carmel apple favored candy corn? I like it better than the regular and it’s hard to beat the regular!!!

  3. Laura Said,

    I love candy corn. We bought candy about a month ago. Big bags of the good mixed stuff. I mostly eat the Runts and Bottle Caps out of it. I don’t really care for most candy. 😉

  4. Sindee Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    I love candy corn too. For me, it’s kind of go back to childhood thing. lol Regardless, every year, I must have at least one bag of the overly sugary stuff. Like you, I put it off just as long as I can. Unfortunately, no one else in my house likes it, so the sole responsibility of eating the whole bag falls on me! lol

    Hope you’re having a lovely fall day! 🙂

  5. Dawn Said,

    I love candy corn. A friend got me into this ~ you eat candy corn and peanuts and it taste like a baby ruth….awesome. I think it’s baby ruth..must check on that. Anyway I love it so much by the time halloween is over I’ve eaten way too much:)

  6. Sherry Said,

    Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have yet to buy any Halloween candy — I am waiting for the best deal! LOL

    As for the Burt’s Bees kit that was on sale — it was on clearance for 75% off. It was a hand kit with balm, lotion, white cotton gloves with little bees on them, and cuticle cream. My store had about 4 of them on clearance — perhaps it was considered a summer item? I just know that my hands are super dry in the winter because of our furnace and this will really be great!


  7. deb Said,

    The only spook we had last year was Hannah and all of the candy I bought went to waste. I sent it all to Scott’s workplace…hopefully it was eaten.

    I won’t be buying more than one bag of candy this year but I’ll have some *special* treats for the grandbabies ;~)

    I love candy corn, too!

  8. Claire Said,

    I love candy corn, too. I’m going to have to buy some more tomorrow because I’m putting it in a trail mix I’m making for my M1 buddies (they have a test coming up next week).

    As to the dressing I used, I usually prefer Italian. My mom recently found an Italian made with Olive Oil (by Kraft) and I really like it. That mustard dressing sound really good. Is it one you make. Also, I’ve had a raspberry vinegarette that is pretty good.

  9. Suzanne Said,

    I don’t eat candy corn.
    Or jelly beans, either.

  10. Kathy m Said,

    Another candy corn lover here. I haven’t bought any yet. I haven’t even thought about buying halloween candy yet. I guess I better get my act together!

    Kathy M

  11. Jim McKee Said,

    Have lived in an apt. for 4 years now, so don’t buy any candy. Do they make sugar-free candy corn? Inquiring diabetics wanna know!

  12. Cam Said,

    Have you ever tried mixing the candy corn with peanuts? Some friends of mine had that simple mixture a few years back, and I was surprised at how incredibly addictive it was.

    We can never buy our candy too soon before Halloween. So many times I’ve bought a stash and eaten the entire thing before Halloween…all by myself! I have no self-control when it comes to chocolate! So we always get ours no sooner than a few days before…which can be tricky because by that time it is starting to sell out.
    We’re not buying any this year though because we’ll be out of the house doing our own trick or treating! I’ll kind of miss handing out candy, but I also enjoy going trick or treating.

  13. Dawn Said,

    i have not had candy corn in *ages*. i have not purchased any Halloween candy yet, but i usually gets reese’s peanut butter cups, various funsize candy bars, starburst for the kids who don’t like or can’t have chocolate & m&ms — especially the plain ones so the little trick-or-treaters have something *they* can have!

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