Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

More great questions from our fellow Monday Madness members! Have fun, and thank you all for playing, and for the questions!! Have a great week! =)

1. From amaranth:
Name three people you would pick (and why) if you could choose who to be stranded on a deserted island with.
Well, Tim is a given. Maybe it should just be the two of us! hehehe! :mrgreen:

2. From julie:
What is your favorite genre of film and what is your favorite movie from that genre?
I love chick flicks, and some of my favorites are You’ve Got Mail, Notting Hill, Princess Bride, Sound of Music, The Notebook, etc. You get the idea!

3. From tiffany:
Which country would you like to visit and why?
I have tons on my list… England, Scotland, Wales, France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, etc. I would probably pick some of the European ones first. I love history and want to see so many things like museums, castles, cathedrals, etc

4. From wil:
What are you driving these days? What’s it’s (their) good and bad points? Would you buy another one, and why or why not?
I’m on my second Explorer. I love it and am so glad I finally got another one. I drove my first one for 8 years and hated to let it go!

5. From cindy swanson:
“Lost,” “24,” or both?

6. From lady starlight:
You’ve been very good this year. What should Santa bring you for Christmas? (the sky is the limit)
Well… if the sky is the limit, see #3, travel to some European or foreign destination.

  1. Bev Said,

    Travelling would be a wonderful present wouldn’t it?

    Have a Happy!

  2. rach Said,

    I love your movie line up. We have some taste for movies. 😀

    Hope you get to travel to your dream destination.


  3. Caylynn Said,

    I love the Princess Bride. 🙂 I would also love to visit all the places you’ve mentioned, and we hope to get to all the European ones while we’re posted in Germany. In fact, we’ll be in Paris this coming weekend. 😀

    Have a good week. 🙂

  4. julie Said,

    I love You’ve got Mail and Princess Bride. Haven’t seen the Notebook or Notting Hill.Oooh, would like to go to Australia too. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week!!!!

  5. Susie Said,

    Your answer to #1 made me laugh! I think I would pick the same thing (well, my husband, not yours – ha!).

    Hope you’re having a great week so far! 🙂

  6. sherle Said,

    Hmmmm… I might not mind taking your husband. Don’t have one of my own! Great gift -traveling Europe! 😉

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