Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, October 06, 2006
Feast One Hundred & Fourteen

Name a song you know by heart.
Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton (and a couple hundred more, probably, I have a knack for song lyrics)

What will you absolutely not do in front of another person?
Hmm, some bathroom-oriented issues I’d rather not discuss!

How often do you use mouthwash and what kind do you like?
A couple of times a week, or when I think I need it. I need to use it daily, but then again, I need to be flossing daily and that doesn’t usually happen. We use Listerine, one of the mint ones, I think it’s called Cool Mint

Main Course
Finish this sentence: I am embarrassed when…
I do something clutzy and someone sees me! Like stumble when there was nothing on the floor, or open a cabinet in the kitchen and then run into it with my head 🙄

What was the last food you craved?
Chocolate always, and shrimp while we were on vacation!

  1. Debi Said,

    I love that song Wonderful Tonight.

  2. deb Said,

    Mmmm shrimp 🙂
    I’ve been thinking about what to have for dinner tonight and seafood is tempting!

    Hope you have a great weekend, Stace!

  3. Dawn Said,

    i am the same way with song lyrics! and opening cabinets, then bumping my head on them. or tripping over nothing… in fact, so many of our answers are either same for this Feast or could be!

  4. Dawn Said,

    ohhhh some chocolate sounds good right now….off to the vending machine!

  5. Claire Said,

    Okay, let me see if I can remember the questions! There is a Movie Gallery in Clinton. I actually bought Lucky Seven there for $5. You must see the movie! I would think there was a MG other places but the only one I KNOW of is in Clinton.

    You could probably do the bars without coconut. I’m sure it would taste just as good. The cafeteria also did this with walnuts. So, if you prefer those, you could use them instead of pecans.

    Oh, Nature’s Seasoning! It is a premade season that my aunt introduced to me. It is really good. Doesn’t have MSG but does have salt. Anyway, we have decided that we really like it. I don’t know what all is in it, but it’s great (salt, pepper, etc.).

    Hope your weekend is great! I’ll be studying a lot with a brief break to do the stats at the MC football game. I’ve been having trouble studying and am starting to feel a bit stressed with the amount of information I have to know.

  6. paperback writer Said,

    I think, if pressed, I know the lyrics to a lot of songs. Currently playing is Paperback Writer – how ironic!

  7. Stacy Said,

    Yummy!! Shrimp from the GA coast. Shrimp from anywhere. It’s been a long time…no one else around me likes seafood.

  8. Tracie Said,

    Oh chocolate definately!

    I hate doing klutzy stuff in front of people (but it still seems to happen at least once a week-On Wednesday night I actually ran into a door in front of about twenty people!)

    I always remember song lyrics-and my husband always remembers the notes. We are a good pair.

  9. presentstorm Said,

    Hey Wonderful Tonight is like my all time fav.. and it seems everyone that I have visited so far uses Cool Mint Listerine as well..lol Very popular..

    I feasted as well 🙂

  10. Cam Said,

    Your main course really made me laugh! 😀

    I liked all your answers!

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