Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

I Won! Thanks Karen!!!!

I won, I won! Karen, over at Write from Karen was having a drawing for a free book. Why, you ask??? Because she’s a wonderful person, a gifted writer, and an avid reader. Oh, and it’s all a part of the Buy a Friend a Book program. I had never heard of this before, but it’s a great idea. I’m all about books, reading, and the love of reading being passed on to everyone, especially kids. Karen drew my name this morning in her drawing, and is sending me a book from my Amazon wish list. Isn’t that sweet?!

Be sure to go check out Karen’s blog, it’s one of my favorites, and also the BAFAB program :mrgreen:

  1. Gail Said,

    Wow congratulations! You are lucky though and have won some stuff over the years….good for you! Fun, fun……..I’m sorry I missed this one!

  2. booklogged Said,

    Congratulations I say with the lower lip pouting out. Sob, sob, I really was hoping to win. Okay, now that’s out of my systems let me offer you a glad and happy, “CONGRATULAIONS” What was your book?

  3. Wendy in MD Said,

    Congrats! It’s *always* fun to win something, and like you, I *love* books, so I’m really excited about you winning LOL.

    Thanks for the blog recommendation. I’ve added her to my blog list, and I’ll check her out!

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