Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

More questions from our fellow participants! Have fun, and if you don’t see YOUR question posted, please be patient; it’ll show up soon! Thanks to all of you for playing! =)

1. From amanda f:
What do you do when somebody complements you?
a. Smile and say Thanks
b. Ignore it and change the subject
c. Complement them back
d. Turn red in embarrasment at the attention and look around to see other people’s reaction
e. Take it as your due!

How about (f), none of the above. I have this terrible habit of contradicting them. Like Tim will say “you look nice” and I’ll say “No, I don’t, I look fat” 🙄 I do try to smile and say thanks, but more often that not, I come back with a negative. It’s that low self-esteem rearing its ugly head 😀

2. From shelly:
What color are your eyes
? Green

3. From kia:
What do you like most about yourself?
I like that I’m structured and a good planner

4. From julie:
How do you spend Christmas?
We go from pillar to post, visiting both sides of the family.

5. From wide imagination:
When do you normally blog? Day or night?
Normally in the mornings. Weekdays are easier, the weekends get really busy and I usually don’t have a lot of time to blog

6. From rach:
What song can you relate to your personal life? Share a line or two of that song.
Well, I’m going to cheat, as I’ve posted these lyrics before to another meme (maybe this one???). It’s from a song by country singer Brad Paisley, called “She’s Everything”. When I hear it, I think he’s probably singing it to his wife, and I always hear Tim singing it to me. He sings about all the things she is, good and bad, and then sings the chorus, which is that she’s everything to me. That’s the way I feel about Tim and that’s the way he feels about me. 🙂 Here’s a couple of lines:

She’s “I want a piece of chocolate�
“Take me to a movie�
She’s “I can’t find a thing to wear�
Now and then she’s moody

then the chorus…
She’s everything that I ever wanted
And everything I need
When I talk about her I go on and on and on
Cause she is everything to me

7. From sherle:
What is your favorite color for a sleeping environment?
Something soothing like light green or light blue, I guess. Not that our bedroom is that color!

  1. Cam Said,

    I liked reading your answers, as usual. I had to laugh at your #1, because I do the exact same thing when Philip compliments me. I’m a compliment-condtradictor myself. 😀 We are probably silly to do that, aren’t we?

  2. Dawn Said,

    i gave a very similar answer to #1. i just called it somewhere between a & d…

    that song is so sweet. i remember you mentioning it in the past & thinking then that i really need to make a point to hear. still haven’t though…lol

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