Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Stuff

Day 1 of Post-Vacation – I’m still trying to get back on track and back into a routine. However, it’s not really going that well, either with blogging, or with “stuff” around the house. So, I may just chuck it all for the weekend and shoot for getting back on track next week! Sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?!!! I had wanted to catch up on some memes that I missed while I was gone, and also do the Friday Feast today, but I don’t think I’m going to make it. I did do the Fall Into Reading Challenge that I wanted to do, but I think I’ll have to wait till next week to get back on track with the other things in blogland. 🙂

As far as the rest of post-vacation stuff, it’s going slow but steady. On the way in, Tim stopped and filled up the vehicle for me, which was so sweet. He does this a lot, he knows I like to be left with a full tank as opposed to an empty one. He can be such a sweetheart when he puts his mind to it! 🙂 We unloaded and I unpacked yesterday, and started on the mountain of dirty laundry that we came home with. Still a long way to go on that, probably 3-4 more loads. I did go grocery shopping yesterday and we ate a grilled chicken salad last night for supper. We overate the entire time we were gone (hey, isn’t that what vacation is all about?!), and we are both feeling pretty chubby at the moment. I am going to make some chicken salad later, and then figure out what to cook this weekend. I plan to get back on track next week with my menu planning. I noticed that Laura over at OrgJunkie posted hers and was so sweet to mention me and my recipe section at Hambones – thanks Laura! Check it out here. I hope Laura liked the Chicken Santa Fe, it’s one of our favorites. In fact, I am probably going to make it tonight or tomorrow night for us to have.

TV – We also have a lot of taped TV shows to catch up on, although we did watch some while we were gone. We watched the premiere of Amazing Race while at Callaway Gardens, with Don and Gail. Then, I coerced Tim into watching “Dancing with the Stars” with me while in Savannah. 😀 I love that show! I missed all my daytime stuff – Oprah started this week, Martha is back on and Rachael Ray has started a new show. Gotta check those out sometime.

Photos – I got my photos from vacation transferred to my computer this morning, but I haven’t loaded them on Hambones yet, nor have I edited them or backed them up. I am trying to decide how many to post here on my blog, and if I should post them all in one huge post, or spread them out. I have mostly scenic pictures, so I was thinking of doing a “Photo of the Day” for a while. :mrgreen:

Question of the Day – ok, last up is a question for today:

Since I just finished posting about the “Fall into Reading” challenge, I’m all bookish at the moment. So, the question is, what is the last book that you read and liked, and would recommend to someone else to read? It can be any kind of book, from the last week, month or year, I don’t care. 🙂

  1. Laura Said,

    I always recommend so many books to you. But you can look at my reading list if you ever need more. I like almost everything I’ve ever read. Like you. 🙂

  2. Southern Girl Said,

    I just finished Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich and found it very funny and definitely better than its predecessor.

  3. Gail Said,

    The last book I finished was, Confessions of a Shopaholic! Which I temporarily forgot was your book and not mine! I liked it, thought it was kinda cute & funny………we usually like the same stuff so I think you’ll like it. There are a few exceptions to the liking the same thing, sometimes you like more mysteries than I do!
    I’m working on Four to Score now, gotta finish it I guess & then start reading from my list!

  4. Claire Said,

    I think I would recommend Shadow Women…story of Moses from the perspective of Miriam, Tzipora, and the Egyptian princess. This past year my reading basically consisted of Chronicles of Narnia. I think my favorite from that series was The Last Battle! Right now I’m re-reading Anne of Green Gables.

  5. Laura Said,

    Hey Stacy! Welcome home. Yes we did love the Sante Fe Chicken….although I’m a bit of a dork and forgot the cream cheese but it was still good. Can’t wait to make it again properly…lol. Laura

  6. southernfriedgirl Said,

    I am in the middle of Devil of the Junior League and so far I love it. Light and fluffy and just plain fun. Go snag it from the Barnes.

  7. Trista Said,

    I just finished That Camden Summer by LaVyrle Spencer! I loved it Stace! It is one of the best books that I have read in awhile. It took me awhile to read it, but I really enjoyed it. I laughed, and cried, and laughed some more.

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