Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

1. Do you do dishes by hand or do you use a dishwasher? Both. I use the dishwasher for plates, bowls, silverware and glasses. I usually handwash things like my cookware (pots, pans, casserole dishes, etc) and all of the prep items. The one exception is that if something has touched a raw meat, I definitely put it in the dishwasher.

2. How many people have your cell phone number? I have no idea, about 20 maybe? Maybe more, not sure

3. Do you shower in the morning or at night? Morning

4. Do you ever have a song ‘stuck’ in your head? Yes, a lot! I will hear snippets of songs on the radio, TV, while surfing, and even reading them. My sister Gail uses song titles for a lot of her blog posts at her blog, and that will usually get a song stuck in my head!

5. Do you pay your bills when they arrive, or do you wait until closer to the due date to pay them? Closer to the due date, although the majority of our bills are setup on a draft from our bank.

6. Are you obsessive about anything in particular? Well, Tim doesn’t call me “Monk” for nothing! Yes, I am about little things – that keys are hanging on the key holder, that stuff in the refrigerator is in the right spot, things like that. I’m sure I could come up with a lot more!

7. What one thing would you say you have a zero tolerance for? People hurting children or animals

  1. Susanne Said,

    I like your answers too!

  2. julie Said,

    Great answers. Thanks for visiting my site:) Have a great Monday.

  3. GreenGenes Said,

    Wish I had been a little more serious about no. 7! I’m the only one that wasn’t! I have zero tolerance for abuse, foul language, and a host of other things that are much more serious than clutter! How trivial is clutter?

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