Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

1. Would you shave your head for any amount of money? If yes, how much? Probably not, I would look just pitiful without hair. I’ve often thought if I got sick or had chemo and lost my hair, I’d probably be the type of person who would go get a wig. I’d try to wear a bandanna or hat, but I think I’d cave and get a wig. So no, I don’t think I’d voluntarily do it for money.

2. What “whacky” thing might you do for a large sum of money? Probably nothing, I’m not adventurous at all, don’t like dares and I have so many phobias (heights, snakes, etc) that I wouldn’t even consider most things that would be considered “whacky” 🙂

3. What do you think is a “large sum of money?” $100,000 or more

4. Do you watch “reality” tv shows? Yes, we watch Survivor and Amazing Race and love both of those. We’ve been watching Treasure Hunters this summer and have liked that one also. I plan on watching “Dancing with the Stars” again this fall, and Idol next January. We don’t watch any of the others though

5. If so, which do you watch and in what order do you prefer them? If not, are there any you may consider watching? No order of preference, for the specifics, see above!

6. Which reality show have you thought about participating in? Why?I would like to be able to do Race, but I know my limitations. I would crack under the pressure. I’m not a seasoned traveler by any means and I think I would have trouble with the pace of the thing, and the challenges.

7. Share one thing you would like to do in life but have not yet done….. think about why you haven’t done it and share if you wish. My lifelong dream is to go to England and Scotland. I’m going to get there one day!

  1. Susie Said,

    I probably should have given Treasure Hunters a try. I might watch Dancing with the Stars this fall just to see Tucker Carlson – I love him! 🙂

    Have a Happy Monday, Stacy!

  2. Laura Said,

    I know somebody who was on Race a few seasons ago.

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