Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Friday was a very busy day for us – we bought a new entertainment center and a big screen TV (plasma, high definition)!!! We’ve been busy trying to get all the old stuff moved out, and all the new stuff setup and working. It’s a lot of work and is going to take us a few days to get it all done. Our old entertainment center was very heavy and I think the new one is even worse! Poor Tim only has me as a helper and I cannot lift and move 200 lbs very easily 🙂

Last night, Tim reloaded the coon trap and caught our first coon. We have to figure out how to get rid of him now. We called Animal Control and they said they only deal with domesticated animals. HUH? They referred us to Wildlife & Fisheries, where we left a message on the answering machine and have yet to hear back.

Today, we’re headed over to Tim’s family for the day. We’re going to celebrate his mom’s birthday which is coming up next week. I’ll try to post some more news and hopefully pictures on either Sunday or Monday. Have a great day!

  1. Bev Said,

    I am so jealous. Are you going to take pictures of it and make me drool even more? 😉 Happy Birthday to Tim’s mother. Cheers.

  2. southernfriedgirl Said,

    Oh wow, plasma. You go, sistah. I need pics too, dear. 🙂

  3. Laura Said,

    You should have seen us trying to get our TV into our entertainment center. HA.

  4. Trista Said,

    Wow! Can’t wait to see pics! I hope you have a great time celebrating MIL birthday!

  5. Pixiepincessmom Said,

    Oh I’m a bit jealous; we want a plasma tv. Actually I’ll take any tv that doesn’t have a weird “bug” to it.

    Um, I seem to have forgotten my password & id for the main site. *blush* I thought I had saved the email with it all in there but I didn’t. Can you help me?

  6. presentstorm Said,

    Wooo Hooo check you out. I want one!,I want one!…lol
    Man I would love to watch me some Big Brother on that ..lol

    I hope you have a wonderful time with the family.

    Oh I menat to ask you … do you get the Friday Feast mailed to you in advance?

  7. Dawn Said,

    Oh wow how cool! Hope you guys got all moved and set up and got a chance to sit back and enjoy yourself!

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