Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Library Time Again

I finished 3 books (“The Falls”, “I Do, but I Don’t” and “Jewels of the Sun”) that I had checked out from the library, and took them back a couple of days ago. I got four more, which are now on my sidebar. In case you’re interested, they are:

1. Tears of the Moon (2nd in the Irish Jewels trilogy) by Nora Roberts
2. Heart of the Sea (last in the Irish Jewels trilogy) by Nora Roberts
3. Track of the Cat (the first Anna Pidgeon book) by Nevada Barr
4. Match Me If You Can (a book my sister Gail read and liked) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I will wait and write a review on the Nora Roberts trilogy after I read all three. 🙂

I went ahead and got 4 books, instead of my normal 3, since I knew I would be able to read more this weekend. Tim is working on a big project for work, and he’s working off and on around the clock all weekend. Friday night, he worked from about 9 PM to about 4:30 AM. Needless to say, I was sleeping during the majority of that, but still.. I hope to get more reading time in this weekend 🙂

Oh, and on a book-related note: the last couple of times I’ve been shopping to any store that sells books, I’ve perused the books section. I have added several more books to either my “library books” or “bookstore books” lists on my PDA. Sigh. I have really long lists for both. I just love books and love to read 🙄


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