Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Presh’s Pink Pyrex

I’m going to take a bit of a stroll down memory lane here…

I know it’s not right, but I had a favorite grandmother growing up. This was my mom’s mom, and everyone in the family called her “Presh”. I believe it was short for “precious”. My grandfather passed away before I was born, but I remember my grandmother very well. She was so sweet and very sentimental (like me!). She always called me by a little nickname too – “my little ange” (which was short for angel). When I would go visit, she would show me things in her old house, which was a church in the Civil War (I always thought that was so cool!) Anyway, she would tell me that she was going to leave me things in her will, and asking me what I liked and wanted of her belongings, trinkets, things in her house. It was a sweet little thing she always did, and I’ve only recently come to realize that she did the same thing with my older sisters! And here I was, thinking I was special! 😕

Anyway, my grandmother fell and broke her hip in her 80’s and soon thereafter went to spend the rest of her days in a nursing home. My parents had to sell her house and her belongings to help pay for the nursing home bill. I was in school at the time, and not really aware of what was going on. Most of the things that I had thought I would inherit from my grandmother were sold to an antiques dealer. A few things she had already given me, and I treasure them now. One of them, an insignificant thing, is a set of pink and white Pyrex casserole dishes.

Now, my grandmother loved pink. To say it was her favorite color is an understatement. She had pink everything, and she left in her will which pink suit she wanted to be buried in, I’m almost positive. My mother, in obvious rebellion, despised pink. I learned early in life to never, ever give my mother any gift or clothing that was pink. She refused to wear it or use it. Anyway, I love pink, and I’m so glad to have these dishes. I don’t use them, but I keep them in my cabinet to remind me of my grandmother.

I saw on this blog the other day, a link to a site that lists all the old Pyrex cooking and serving ware. I was so glad to find this, for I didn’t know what pattern my grandmother’s Pyrex was, or how old it was. Now, thanks to this info, I know that it’s called Gooseberry and is from the late 1950’s. :mrgreen:

Here is mine:

Presh's Pink Pyrex

And here’s where I keep them, waaaay up on the top shelf, for safekeeping, out of harm’s way!
Presh's Pink Pyrex on the very top shelf

P.S. I think I may start doing more of this. I’m going to take some pictures of things that I have from my parents or grandparents, or from Tim’s family, things that are sentimental and mean something to me or to Tim. I will blog occasionally about them. In fact, I’ve even setup a special category called “Treasures”. 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    Yes, Presh did the same thing with me about the will! And, I have really nothing of hers that she said I would get! That’s because Fred had to sell house w/belongings in it to pay for nursing home but that’s just how things go sometimes. I didn’t know you had her pyrex, neat! And…..Dodie was SO not sentimental like you and I are! We tend to keep everything and she would quickly throw things out to keep everything tidy, so as a result, we probably don’t have that many things from back then. We probably went to the other extreme from her and some of my kids (you probably know which one!), are quick to throw out their things too and not keep stuff. I wonder someday if she/they will wish they had more of the sentimental items or something of mine that they were so quick to part with! But, by then I’ll be gone and I won’t get to tell them so! 🙂

  2. Pixiepincessmom Said,

    Oh I’d LOVE those! I *heart* pink as well! However I don’t think George would let me have an entire pink house. 🙁

  3. Catherine Said,

    Wow they are lovely. I love the colour of them. So cool.

    Take care

  4. Bev Said,

    I’m not a big fan of pink, but if they had been something from my Grandmother and she gave them to me I would have gladly taken them.

  5. Dianne Said,

    Very cool! I think there’s a meme called Tuesdays’ Treasure for this very purpose. I jsut can’t get my act together enough to post many pictures.

    I have some favorite kitchen things of my gram’s too – her sifter, her green glass mason jars, cookie sheet, springform pan, tube pan . . . a few others. I actually use all that stuff! I love it – makes me feel close to her when I use it.

  6. Cam Said,

    That is so neat! They are very pretty, and even more special. Thanks for the story. 🙂

  7. deb Said,

    Oh I love that pink Pyrex!

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