Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Movie Review: The Matador

We rented a movie over the weekend and we stayed so busy that we didn’t have a chance to watch it until last night. It was Tim’s pick, and even though I was mumbling in the video store “I haven’t heard good things about that one, let’s get another one“, he got it anyway. We rented “The Matador” with Pierce Brosnan and Greg Kinnear.

I almost hesitate to do book and movie reviews here, even though it is my blog and I think I’m allowed my own opinion.

However- Number one, I’m a pleaser and I don’t like confrontation. I like to go with the flow and do what makes everyone else happy. Number two – I also firmly believe that what one person likes, another dislikes. But, since it is my blog, I’m going to just state my opinion – we disliked this movie tremendously.

Even Tim, who picked it out, didn’t like it. It had a bad plot, not great acting, some raunchy parts, lots of bad language and it just drug on and on. Several times Tim and I glanced at each other and one would say “I wonder how much longer it’s going to be”. Ugh. Lots of people might like this movie (although it’s hard for me to see how), but we thoroughly disliked it. In fact, on a scale of 1-10, we give it a 2 or maybe a 3 at best. My recommendation would be to save yourself the money to rent it and that two hours of your life that you can never get back. I wish we had!

  1. deb Said,

    I’m glad you clued me in. If Scott suggests it, I’ll tell him that even Tim didn’t like it lol!

    We take turns with movies but since we signed up with Netflix, we have to take time out to mutually agree on what we queu. If we didn’t have a meeting of the minds, I’d be watching Kung Fu movies all the time. Not that there’s anything wrong with that… ;~)

  2. Julie Said,

    You know, I find that this happens way too often these days. There’s nothing worse than a bad movie. You want to give it a chance and you want to get your money’s worth… but when it’s all said and done, you feel stupid for wasting two hours of your life. *sigh*

  3. Dawn P Said,

    I haven’t heard of the movie, but next time we go I’ll make sure not to get it. I’ll just wait until it comes out on direct tv and watch it them if I’m desperate to watch something, but at least then I can turn the channel! No need to waste money:)

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