Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

1. Are you working on any big projects around your house right now? Not at the moment. I have a lot I want to do, but we haven’t found or made the time to start any of them. I also have a long to-do list for Tim, but he hasn’t touched that in a long time! 😆
2. If so, tell us about it; if not, do you have any plans to do so in the near future? We want to pull up the carpeting in the living room and dining room and put down laminate flooring. We’re also looking at rearranging the den, getting rid of some furniture, and getting a bigger entertainment center to hold the big screen TV that Tim wants to buy 🙄
3. How do you generally pay for merchandise at your local store? Debit, credit, check, or cash? Credit. We put everything on one card that earns us money back and then pay it off at the end of the month.
4. Which month of the year seems to go by the fastest? Probably December
5. Which day of the week seems to go by the fastest? Friday
6. Have you taken up any new hobbies lately? No, but I’m doing a lot of reading and loving it. I want to pick back up scrapbooking, but I can’t seem to make the time to dive in, between blogging and reading (and staying so busy with Tim at night and on the weekends)

  1. Susie Said,

    Best of luck with the laminate flooring project! I’ve heard that’s not the easiest thing in the world to do. I’m sure it will be totally worth the effort when it is finished, though. I wish we had selected laminate instead of carpeting when we built our house. It’s on our list of things we want for our next house, whenever that will be!

    Have a fabulous day, Stacy! 🙂

  2. paperback writer Said,

    I pulled up the carpet in the library…that was a lot of hard work! Okay, that wasn’t so bad, but pulling up the tacking strips that the carpet was attached to…now that was hard work!

  3. Anna Said,

    Good luck with pulling up the carpet >_

  4. Trista Said,

    I know it is a project for the future, but I cannot wait to see before and after photos! I want to get caught up on scrapbooking as well. The more time that goes by, the further behind I get, and the less motivated I become. It gets overwhelming for me.

    P.S. The new meme looks interesting! I am so terrible about planning out a menu for the week. We used to have a list of meals posted on the frige that we keep the ingredients for. That helped, even though we didn’t have anything set in stone, we had some idea of what needed to be set out in order to cook it later in the day.

  5. DawnK Said,

    We’d like to put laminate flooring in our kitchen someday. Who knows when that will actually happen, though. Of course, then there’s the wearing out carpeting on the stairs up to Sarah’s room. The house was built in 1956 and this carpeting has to be original! There is nice hardwood below it, but carpeting on the stairs makes them quieter!

    Thanks for coming to visit my blog!

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