Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “The Falls”

The Falls by Joyce Carol OatesI finished a really long library book last night, “The Falls” by Joyce Carol Oates. This was my first book by this author and will probably be my last. I didn’t really like it, and was mostly just ready to be finished with it and start something else. I very nearly stopped reading it (something very difficult for me to do) several times, but I kept plugging away at it, but there was no joy in the reading.

I really hate to write negative reviews, or reviews in general, to be honest, because what one person likes and loves, another dislikes. Books and movies can be so subjective, you know?! But this book, I just didn’t like, and that’s a fairly strong statement for me – I generally like most every book I read. But, this book was not that way for me. The long, drawn-out plot and the writing style of this author just did not appeal to me on any level. I did not really enjoy it, and I was soooo glad when it was over. I rate it a 3 out of 10 stars, a very low rating for me.

For the record, that makes #45 for me so far this year, with a total of 16,011 pages read. Up next is a much lighter, more frivolous book, “I Do, But I Don’t” by Cara Lockwood. This is another new author to me, but I think I’m going to like this one better. Looks like some really good “chick lit”, yippeee! 🙂 From what I can tell, it’s going to be like a book version of the movie “The Wedding Planner”, which is a movie I really like. Check back in a couple of days for a review, I’ve got some time this weekend to read, and I expect to fly through this one in no time, LOL!! :mrgreen:

  1. Laura Said,

    I read her Oprah selection, We Were the Mulvaneys. I don’t remember liking it all that much. It was depressing (a prereq for Oprah books) but I do remember it being too long.

  2. Susie Said,

    Ooh, thanks for the heads up! Sorry you had to trudge through that one. You sound like me, I won’t put a book down even though I’m not enjoying it. I feel if I start it, I must finish it no matter what. I’ve probably wasted days of my life on that stupid little self-rule.

  3. Tracie Said,

    I have that must finish a book thing too. I think there has only been a couple of times in my life that I have walked away from one unfinished.

    Thanks for the heads up on this one.

  4. Trista Said,

    The Cara Lockwood book will be a much better read. I was also linking the book to The Wedding Planner, but it is a little different. I tried to envision J-Lo as the book’s character Lauren Crandell, but that went out the window the moment I read the physical description. hahaha Enjoy!

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