Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


We got back late last night, and had a good time at Gail and Don’s. The guys got to play golf, which always makes them happy. Gail and I got to run some errands, and hang out, which makes us happy (we didn’t have to go to the golf course!). Today, Tim and I are going to try to catch a matinee of Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and then pick up some things at the grocery and maybe Lowe’s. Another quiet day, nothing blog-worthy going on around here!

  1. Suzanne Said,

    Pirates should be good. I will see in a couple of weeks !!

  2. southernfriedgirl Said,

    Let me know how the flick is. The hubs wants to see it.

  3. Trista Said,

    Let me know how Pirates is, we wanna see it too! We went to Home Depot yesterday and spent way too much time there.

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