Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Backyard Wildlife

I noticed my first hummingbird at the feeder last week, and have been trying to get a picture of one ever since. Those little suckers are FAST! By the time I can pick up my camera (even if I have it close by), they fly away at supersonic speed. I had my camera out yesterday afternoon to take some pictures of some other birds, and noticed a hummingbird. I thought for sure I had gotten a picture, but the blame thing came out blurry. Darn, I will have to keep trying.

In the mean time, I got some other pictures of birds and things in my backyard. Once the rain stopped (we finally got about a 15 minute light rain shower), it looked like an aviary out there, birds of all kinds, tons of them. Plus, at one point, there were 4 squirrels playing in my backyard. Two were playing in the big tree and 2 were fighting on the fence for position at the squirrel feeder.

Click on the extended entry to see some pictures of my backyard wildlife 🙂

Here’s one of the hummingbird, it’s blurry but at least you can tell it is a hummingbird eating!

Blurry Hummingbird

Here’s a picture of a Carolina Wren, we have them a lot on both feeders (suet and seed), but I haven’t been able to get a picture of one. Wrens have special meaning to me, that was my mom and grandmom’s name and is a middle name for my niece:

Carolina Wren on my deck

The suet feeder with a rare occurrence, a bird eating on both sides:

2 Birds on the Suet Feeder

And some kind of big bird that is WAY too big for the suet feeder, it’s not a cardinal and I don’t think it’s a big sparrow… can anyone identify what this bird is?

Big Unknown Bird on the Suet Feeder

And one of the squirrels ran along my deck railing, and came right by the window where I was standing, inside, taking pictures. So I got him up close and personal!

Squirrel, up close and personal

And finally, it was really busy on the regular seed feeder, here’s a shot of 5 birds on there at once:

5 Birds on the Seed Feeder

  1. osquer42 Said,

    The hummingbirds will get used to you. I have had them fly right up to me and look me in the eye from 2 feet away. Yours looks like a female ruby-throat, by the way. For some reason I can’t view your mystery bird picture. It could have something to do with my firewall at work. I’ll see if I can see it from my home computer later. I see a chickadee, song sparrows and purple finches in your other pictures.

  2. Gail Said,

    I have seen one of those birds that is your mystery bird I think, but can’t recall what it is.

  3. Susie Said,

    Aw, I love these! I don’t have a clue what kind of bird that is; I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that up close.

  4. PixiePincessMom Said,

    How neat! Love the pics. I want to get feeders but have no idea where we’d put them as we have no trees. Something I hope to remedy soon. My MIL has numerous ones at her lake house & I just sit & watch them most of the weekend.

  5. osquer42 Said,

    The mystery bird is a Brown Trasher.

  6. Stace Said,

    Thanks Osquer! I found more on the brown thrasher at this link, including the sound of his song, which I always like to hear 🙂 — http://identify.whatbird.com/obj/679/_/Brown_Thrasher.aspx

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