Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday’s Tales, a day late

We were gone most all day on Tuesday, so this is a day late 🙂

Tuesday's Tales meme

Independence Day Fun (for any country just think of what you do on your day)
1. Do you have any traditions for this day? Yes, we normally go to Tim’s mom’s family’s get-together (whew, that’s a mouthful!)
2. What are your plans for this one We went to the get-together, then we went to see Superman Returns last night
3. Do you like fireworks? I love them, but alas, Tim does not
4. Can you use them where you live? No, we can’t shoot them off, but the town where we live always puts on a good family-oriented July 4th celebration, complete with fireworks at 9 PM


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