Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Murder at Union Station by Margaret TrumanI finished another library book last night – finally! I’ve been plodding through this one for the last couple of weeks and I finally finished it. I think I’m still in a bit of the summer doldrums as far as reading and books go. I really love to read, but I can’t seem to find what I want to read right now, if that makes any sense. This was a good book, not fantastic, but your good basic murder mystery. Not too deep, not too technical, not too far-out-there, just a good basic plot that weaves in and out a little. I enjoyed it, and will probably read more of these in the future. Margaret Truman has a lot of these, part of the “Capital Crimes” murder mystery novels. I think she’s written anywhere from 12 to 15 of these, all based in the D.C. area, and all entitled “Murder At…”.

For the record, that makes #36 for the year, with a total of 12,874 pages read. Up next is a fictional account of Noah building the Ark, called “The Preservationist” by David Maine. I hope it is half as good as the book on Dinah I recently read called “The Red Tent”. That was a terrific book, and these that I’ve read since pale in comparison. 🙂


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