Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Hallmark Channel

I haven’t found a whole lot that I want to watch this summer on TV. We watched the first episode of Treasure Hunters the other night and liked it, so we’re going to give that one a try. Yesterday, I was reading the newspaper and saw on the TV grid that a movie was coming on the Hallmark Channel last night called “Love Comes Softly”. It sounded really familiar, like a book my mother-in-law and sister might have read and liked. So, using one of my favorite online tools, IMBD, I looked it up, and sure enough, it’s a movie made from that book. I watched it and really enjoyed it. I coerced Tim into watching it with me, and even though he didn’t want to admit it, I think he really liked it. Another one is coming on tonight, “Love’s Enduring Promise” and I plan to watch that one as well. These are from the books by Janette Oke, which I have not read, but now have on my library list. She’s a Christian fiction writer, and I like reading books like that, and watching movies like that – clean, simple, old-fashioned and with a good message. I really enjoyed it, and am so happy to have found something on TV to watch. Can’t wait to watch the other one tonight 😆

  1. Dawn Said,

    oh!!! i have that whole series of books, along with quite a few others of Janette Oke’s works!

  2. Gail Said,

    I’ve read that whole series! watched some of the movies, I loved them.

  3. Lynn Said,

    I’ve not read the books, but I got the dvd’s for my mom. She enjoys the those books. I found the dvds at Wal-mart.

  4. Karen Said,

    I’ve been lost without tv this summer – we don’t usually do reality, but we watched Treasure hunters too. except for the Miss USA team, we liked it!

  5. Tracie Said,

    I own all of the Love Comes Softly books and have read them over and over again.

    I have seen the first three movies and I really hope that they keep going with them. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy? Because I watched the first one and it took me the whole movie to figure out where I had seen the actress that plays “Marty” before and right at the end I realised that it is the girl from Grey’s. Random.

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