Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

Monday, June 19, 2006

This week’s questions come from one of our fellow players, tricia! Thank you Tricia, for your fabulous questions. Look for more from Tricia in the upcoming weeks. Thanks to everyone for playing, and have a great week! =)

1. How many cop shows can you name? Hmm, the 3 CSI shows, NCIS, all the Law and Order shows, Without a Trace, things like that? If you mean those reality shows where they show footage from police cruiser videos, I don’t have a clue what they are called 🙂
2. Do you send text messages? No, so far I’ve been able to stay away from that vice
3. If you could be on a gameshow (current or old), which one would you be on and why? Probably Wheel of Fortune. I think I’d have a better chance of getting the answers than on a show like Jeopardy or Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I don’t like the new show Deal or No Deal, and I am drawing a blank on any other show at the moment!
4. What are some of your favorite websites? The list is long! I have several blogs I read (they are listed on my sidebar), SBA message board, CL message board, and I have several that I use for news, reference, etc. I also like Flickr, I think it’s a cool concept. I also use and recommend MyPoints and RewardTV, I’ve gotten several “free” items from there. There’s so many good ones out there!
5. What are your favorite things about the internet? That I can go look up anything I want, anytime I want, that I can shop at home in my pajamas, that I can read so many interesting blogs, that I can go find a recipe for anything, using any ingredient. And the list goes on and on!
6. What about least favorite?The nasty content that is out there, getting spam.
7. What are some good ways to deal with a pet loss? Well, I would have a hard time giving advice on this one. I still grieve the loss of my dog Sally. I think time helps, and I think, for me, getting another pet would be a good way to deal. I wouldn’t know though, we are still pet-less. 🙁

  1. AmandaF Said,

    I will be sure and check out Mypoints and RewardTV. Dealing with any loss is pretty similar, I think. Everyone probably goes through the same stages to varying degrees and time may heal but the memories and love bring the most comfort.

  2. DawnK Said,

    Thanks for coming to visit my blog! You gave good answers, too. I think it would be hard to be ON Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, but I know that plenty of times, I did know the answer. One time the question was, “What substance carries the oxygen around in your bloodstream?” (Or something like that!). The lady hemmed and hawed and hemmed and hawed. I can’t remember if she used a lifeline or not. I’m a nurse, so I knew the answer and I was just screaming it at the tv, but to no avail. The got the answer wrong! LOL! (The answer was hemoglobin!)

    Finding recipes is another thing I like about the internet, too! I see you like to cook. Your potato soup looks sooo yummy!

    Your bird pictures, on Flickr, are lovely. My daughter has a flickr account. http://www.flickr.com/photos/radiantstar/ I love rose-breasted grosbeaks and black-capped chickadees.

  3. Trista Said,

    I cannot believe I have not been by here in nearly a week. Shame on me! I am just amazed at our likeness in answers to the questions this go round! I have to tell you that we are My Points addicts. Do you know that I have gotten over $200 in Home Depot gift cards? How cool is that. P.S. Home Depot is like a candy store for me and hubby.

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