Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “The Red Tent”

The Red Tent by Anita DiamantI finished a really good book last night, “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant. It was quite unlike any book I had ever read, and I really enjoyed it. “The Red Tent” is the story of Dinah, from the Bible, daughter of Jacob and Leah, and is a fictional retelling based on Biblical facts. It is told by women, for women, about women. The tent signifies the place where the women go every month, and when they bear children. The book starts off with the stories of Rachel and Leah, and then progresses to Dinah’s full life story (as envisioned by the author).

The book was engrossing and had me reading the exact passages in Genesis to see how much is from the Bible, and how much is embellished by the author. The telling of the details, the customs and cultures of the time, as well as the sisterhood that this book embodies all made for a very engaging read.

For the record, this makes #34 on the year, with a total of 12,176 pages read. Up next is a book by a new-to-me author, Jennifer Weiner. I’m starting with one of her more recent books, “Goodnight, Nobody”. Check back in a few days or so for a review 🙂

  1. Susie Said,

    I knew you would like this one when I saw it on your “to be read” list. I read it a couple of years ago, and it is still on the list of my top 5 favorite books ever. It made me wish that women were as close now as they were back then. But then again, we have things so much easier these days!

  2. Stace Said,

    Thanks Susie, and thanks for mentioning it on your blog. That’s where I picked up the “tip” about this book. I also want to read “The Preservationist” which you also talked about on your blog. I love getting recommendations for good books!

    Thanks again 🙂

  3. kathy m Said,

    Wasn’t that an awesome book?!? I read it when I went to CKU-BC by myself a few years ago. LOVED IT!

  4. peri Said,

    i read this several yrs ago and it was great, I could not put it down.

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