Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Weekend Catch-Up

Whew, things have been so busy around here, that I haven’t even taken the time to blog about them. Not that they are especially interesting or even eventful, just our exceedingly mundane lives 🙂

Let’s see… to catch up on the last several days for us, click here (beware, long, but it does have pictures!):

We were supposed to go to the Braves game Friday night, on an outing with Tim’s company. We were getting ready to leave, and a neighbor came over to ask us to help with an electronics problem. We get this a lot! Anyway, we ended up being at their house a really long time, and by the time we got back to our house, it was over an hour after the game had started. If we had left then, it would have been at least 1 1/2 hours into the game, and if we stopped and grabbed food, or got a hot dog at the game (original plan), it would have at least been in the 5th or maybe 6th inning, maybe later. So, we just decided to not go. Instead, we changed and ran up to Applebee’s. They are open till midnight, so no problem getting in there! We did something we rarely do, but that I always love – instead of getting entrees as normal, we ordered appetizers and dessert. We got the appetizer sampler platter to split, then split the brownie with ice cream dessert. Yum!

Saturday – we got up and worked some in the yard. I watered all the flowers and shrubs, and set sprinklers to water the side and backyard. Tim decided that he wanted to go ahead and water seal the deck (we’re late this year, he usually does it in April or so). Normally, he borrows my dad’s pressure washer to clean the deck first, but we didn’t have it, and didn’t want to drive 1 1/2 hours to borrow Dad’s. So, we decided to go look for one for Tim to have. We ended up going to 5 or 6 stores, to look around and price them. Then, we bought him one at Lowe’s, and also ended up with a truck load full of other stuff, including mulch and more flowers for me to plant.

Here’s Tim’s new pressure washer:

Karcher Pressure Washer

And here’s Tim, spraying me and my new camera – he’s lucky that it didn’t hurt my camera!!

Spraying the camera woman with the new pressure washer

And, Tim cleaning the deck with his new toy:

Cleaning the deck

I planted some lantana, purslane and some ground cover, as well as put out mulch, while Tim was working on the deck. He was out till dark, and came in very tired. Actually, we both were. We stayed in and I made us a big taco salad for supper. We started watching a DVD from our collection, but I was tired and made Tim stop. We finished it on Sunday!

Here’s some of the lantana I planted Saturday afternoon late:

Orange Lantana

Sunday – well, I don’t know how I got roped into this, but I went with Tim again to the golf course. It was so hot and not nearly as much fun the second time 🙄 I bet it was 95 or 96 the whole time we were out there and I felt like a big sweaty puddle of goo. Tim, of course, had a great time and enjoyed every minute of it. The golf course was a lot more crowded, as expected, than when we went on Tuesday. But, he had fun and that’s all that matters. To reward my patience and willingness to go with him for over 3 hours, he took me to a Chinese buffet afterwards. We also looked around in Best Buy, just because we love gadgets and electronics! We came home and finished the movie we had started on Saturday – Tin Cup. Yes, golf, golf and more golf!

Monday – Tim put out the water sealer on the deck:

Water Sealing the Deck

  1. Trista Said,

    Sorry that you missed the game. Applebees sounds good. We do the app and dess combo, when we can agree on something to share. 😀
    Hubby got a new pressure washer for Father’s Day. We need to put a sealant on our deck desperately.

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