Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

This I Won’t Buy Again

I have blogged a couple of times lately about food products that we have bought, tried and liked. Among them, the Wheat Thins Veggie Chips, the Skinny Cow Vanilla Ice Cream Cones and the Lipton Green Tea Citrus tea drinks. We really like all those, and I will buy them again and again.

However, my streak has come to an end. This is one product I will not make the mistake of buying again:

Uncle Bens Ready Rice

This looked really good – I like rice, especially the flavored ones, you microwave it for only 90 seconds, right in the package, so it’s quick, easy and no clean-up. Well, it is also awful. Gooey and clumpy and not much flavor and just generally bad. I won’t be buying this again. I’ll go back to doing rice in a pan on the top of the stove.

Just my .02 🙂

  1. Dawn Said,

    i had seen that & wondered about it…now i’m glad i know. 😉

  2. Laura Said,

    We like the Lipton flavored rice (Chicken, Mushroom, Chipotle, etc). You still have to cook it on the stove but I think it comes out really tasty.

  3. Amanda Said,

    I keep a couple of these as pantry staples…. I have to say that you picked the WORST flavor! We hated the roasted chicken one too. Some of the others are pretty good. We use the white or brown rice most of the time (we don’t eat rice that often) and it is usually smothered in some sauce, so it tastes pretty good. It’s not as good as cooked rice, but for me it does pretty good if you’re pinched for time.

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