Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Islamorada Fish Company

Another busy Saturday for us. I got up early (before everyone else, that doesn’t happen very often!) and went outside to water all the plants. I think our coolish days and chance of showers are over for a while. It’s hot and dry and very humid here now. High today around 92º. My flowers and all my new shrubs needed water, so I got out while it was still cool and watered everything – took nearly an hour!

We all had breakfast and got ready and drove Suzie out to the airport. We were so glad she got to come visit and stay. We went out last night, to Pepitos, and then watched another movie from our collection (The Saint, Suzanne’s pick). I hope she enjoyed being here, we really enjoyed having her.

After the airport, we headed out to our new Bass Pro Shop. The restaurant has opened since we were there last – Islamorada Fish Company. We looked around a while and then went in for lunch. Check out the lunch menu here. There was a coupon in the paper a couple of weeks ago when they opened to get a free appetizer with entree, and we decided to try the alligator. Tim had had alligator before, but this was a first for me. It was pretty good, not really like fish and not really like meat or chicken (I thought it would taste like chicken, isn’t that a standard response – it tastes like chicken?!) They also bring out some really good fresh baked bread, so by the time our entrees got there, we were nearly full :mrgreen: I got the Islamorada Fish Sandwich with fries (grilled, mahi mahi instead of grouper) and Tim got the Angus Sirloin burger. It was all really good. Pricey, but good.

After Bass Pro, we went to Academy Sports. Tim wanted some more golf stuff, and he got a new glove, more tees and a chipping net. I scored a pair of blue jean cropped pants for $15 bucks. Not the greatest fit, but for 15 bucks, they’ll do just fine. 🙂 Then, I coerced Tim into going to Barnes and Noble with me to spend my gift card. We took the laptop and learned the hard way that their Wi-Fi is not free. Hmmmppph. We had frappucinos, a bananas and creme for Tim and a caramel for me. Next time, I’m getting the bananas and creme, Tim’s was really good! I wasn’t in a decisive mood, so I just basically grabbed a few books and used my gift card. I got 2 new paperbacks and 2 hard-backs from the bargain-priced table, and only had to pay a little under $5 out of pocket, the gift card covered the rest. Not bad for 4 books.

Tim left for the driving range right after we got in, so I’m blogging a bit, checking my email. Then I’ll clean up around the house some, unload the dishwasher and maybe read a little. We’ll probably watch a movie tonight, and then run more errands tomorrow (Lowe’s and Walmart).

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!

  1. Gail Said,

    Oh,sorry, I could have told you that WiFi isn’t free at B&N! We have checked there before.

  2. Suzanne Said,

    Thanks for taking me to the airport to get my rental car !
    I had fun with ya’ll…..Tim let me chip golf balls with him!
    So you liked the new banana drink at Starbucks? We got a Starbucks on the way home from the airport, that was dinner!

  3. deb Said,

    I’ve had alligator once..a long time ago. It was batter fried and was pretty good!

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