Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

My Little Chickadee

Isn’t that the name of some really old movie, or maybe a line from a really old movie? “My Little Chickadee” ?? I’m thinking some kind of Mae West line or movie, which, of course, I’ve never seen.

Anyway, I’ve been trying for months to get a picture of some of the different birds that visit my bird feeders. The chickadees are some of the hardest to get – they skirt in and out in a heartbeat. And they’re so small, that they really don’t show up when I try to take pictures from inside the house (where I take 95% of my bird and squirrel photos).

I was out in the yard a couple of days ago, taking pictures of the flowers and flower beds, and a chickadee swooped past me to the feeder, so I was finally able to get a picture:


And yesterday, I took this picture of a dove perched on the roof of the little boathouse/shed next door:


OK, that will hopefully be all of the wildlife photos for today. I’m going to post some pictures soon of all the plants we planted in our yard over the weekend, and some of my flowers blooming in the yard. Don’t all jump up and down at one time, yelling and screaming in anticipation :mrgreen:

  1. Gail Said,

    well, I want to see them!
    and I like bird pictures too, much better than rodents!

  2. Laura Said,

    Mourning dove? We have those guys all over. Coo COO! Cooooo, coooooo, cooooooooo. Hehe.

  3. Suzanne Said,

    why didn’t tim get out his shotgun and shoot it !
    doesn’t he do that??

    (does that sound like something Kirk would say?!)


  4. Gail Said,

    You don’t shoot birds in the backyard!
    Tim wouldn’t do that!

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