Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “Plain Truth”

Plain Truth by Jodi PicoultI finished another library book last night, my first by the author Jodi Picoult. The book was “Plain Truth” and I really enjoyed it. A very engaging book, with a good plot and lots of interesting issues and points it brought up. The book is about an Amish girl who is accused of murdering her newborn infant, yet she does not remember being pregnant or having the baby. A distant relative, Ellie, is caught up in her case and agrees to be her defense lawyer. The book covers the storyline as it unfolds, the relationship between the women, and offers an intriguing glimpse into the Amish life.

For the record, this makes #26 for the year, with a total of 9,545 pages read. Up next is another Stephanie Plum book, “Hard Eight” by Janet Evanovich. 🙂 I’m ready for one that is sort of light and funny!

  1. Dawn Said,

    wow! that sounds like a good one. i will have to add that to my growing reading list. if they would just come up with a system like Netflix has, only for books. LOL!

  2. Stace Said,

    Hey Dawn – I enjoyed Plain Truth, but then again, I enjoy almost every single book I read for one reason or another. So, I may not be the best one to review books (or movies, for that matter!) 🙂

    I have a huge library list also. I have 2 good branches near me, so I’m a frequent library rat. I’ve actually read on someone’s blog about a service like Netflix, but for books. I have never tried them, but check them out if you’re interested. I think it’s called BooksFree.com – yup, just looked up my bookmark. Try this – http://www.booksfree.com/ and if you do try it, be sure to let me know!

    Have a great day 🙂

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