Today, Monday, is going to be a major catch-up day for me. We were so busy all weekend, and I wasn’t able to do a single thing around here. I have a mountain of dirty laundry, and a dirty house to go with it (complete with dirt and grass that we tracked in all day Saturday). I am really sore from all the yard work on Saturday, and have a few pictures that I need to upload and post. We are really happy with all the work we got done in the yard. We have to go get more mulch, but we did get everything planted. I’ll need to “tend” to all those flowers and shrubs for the next couple of weeks, and baby them enough to get them growing and blooming.
We had a great time yesterday visiting with Tim’s mom. It was nice to be able to go to church with them, then have lunch and have a nice long visit.
Suzanne is headed to Hattiesburg later today, so it will be wonderful to see her later this week. I better get the guest rooms cleaned up before she gets here!
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