Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

A Word and a Poll of the Day

I was putting out a new medical poll on the homepage of Hambones earlier, and I noticed that the word of the day is “turgid”. That’s not a word I’m familiar with. I consider myself to have a decent vocabulary and to be an average or above average speller (yes, I’m conceited today :mrgreen:). Learning new words is something I don’t do enough of these days, so I thought I’d pass this along.

According to Dictionary.com, turgid means swollen, bloated or puffed up. Hmmm. Not a word I’d use everyday, but still.

Also, I’ve had a lot of things on my mind lately, and I wondered earlier today – do other people respond to things like I do? More specifically – do they eat more when they are upset, stressed, mad, angry, depressed or whatever. I know I do. I wish, wish, wish I was one of these people who didn’t like to lose myself in a candy bar or a bowl of ice cream, but I am. I tend to just eat more when I’m concerned or stressed about something, so I thought I would do a quick poll. Please vote and let me know if you’re the same way, or you’re one of the lucky ones – do you actually not eat any more when you’re stressed?! Lucky you if you are!

When I’m upset, mad, depressed or stressed, I…

Eat more than normal
Eat less than normal
No change, my moods don’t affect my appetite

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  1. Dawn Said,

    hmmmmm…i am a great speller too & actually took an advanced vocabulary development class as an elective in high school! i didn’t know “turgid” either.

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