Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Manic Monday Meme

Manic Monday Meme

Pop Culture Pesonality Quiz
I’m trying something a little different this week. Not really for any specific reason, other than to be manic on Manic Monday.

1) In high school I was a nerd!.

2) If I were to be on “American Idol” my audition song would be nothing. I would never audition. I can’t carry a tune in a bucket.

3) Choose One:

Window Seat/Aisle Seat
Desperate Housewives/Soprano’s

4) After a long hard day, I like to kick back with mindless TV shows like Survivor, Amazing Race, NCIS, House, etc.

5) The first R-rated movie I ever saw was I have no idea, I can’t remember that far back!.

6) The first person I call when I have good news Tim.

7) What is in my glove compartment: Anti-bacterial wipes, flashlight, Kleenex, car manual and registration info, etc.

8) My porn name is: Chessie Beasley 😐. (childhood pet’s name + Street You Grew Up On)

  1. Susie Said,

    I was a nerd in high school too – and a band nerd at that! 🙂

    My porn name is Ginger Green. Which is, oddly enough, my 3rd-grade teacher’s name. Strange!

  2. Dawn Said,

    don’t feel bad about your porn name. mine is (get ready) Squirt James. how horrific is THAT?? LOL

  3. Lisa Said,

    Great answers! I can’t sing either. 🙁
    Thanks for playing Manic Monday.

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