Exceedingly Mundane

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Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella I finished another library book this afternoon – “Can You Keep a Secret?” by Sophie Kinsella. I’ve read most of Sophie Kinsella’s books, and I think that this one and the last one I read (The Undomestic Goddess) are the best ones yet. I really enjoy all of her Shopaholic books, but maybe I was getting tired of the same character, and these have had new and different characters. Maybe it’s just me, but these others seem more multi-dimensional and just plain more funny and entertaining. I really enjoyed this book. It was very light and very entertaining. A very, very quick read.

For the record, that makes #24 on the year, with a total of 8,902 pages read. I am going to read another Karen Kingsbury next, called “A Thousand Tomorrows”. I also have a new book I bought yesterday at Target that I’ve added to my ever-growing “nightstand” list on my sidebar. Yes, I buy books and I let them sit on my nightstand while I traipse back and forth to the library to check out books. No, I don’t read the ones on my nightstand or those we have in our bookshelves. I think it’s a goal-oriented thing. If I have a book from the library due back on a certain date, I’m more apt to read it in the time I have allotted. Not so with ones I own and that I can read any ole time. It’s some kind of disease, I know, but it’s just the way I’m wired.

FYI, I bought “Memoirs of a Geisha” because I wanted to read the book before I rented the DVD. I’ve been trying since January to check it out of my library and it’s always checked out, and I’ve just never gotten around to putting my name on the reserve list for it. They had it in paperback at Target, so I picked it up while I was there. 🙂

Oh, and I think people may be tired of seeing me blog about books, so if you are, pipe up and let me know. I know how much I enjoy reading, and how I love every minute of the day or night that I can sit curled up with a good book, lost in a story or plotline or a good character development. So, if you’re tired of seeing these blog entries about books, I’m sorry. I love books and I am loving reading so many good new ones, and I’m loving writing about them. 🙂 Hope everyone else enjoys them too; drop me a comment and let me know either way.

  1. kathy m Said,

    Glad to hear that about undomestic goddess–I just picked that one up the other day. I got tiled of the shopaholic books after number 2. I thought they seemed kind of “pat” story lines.

  2. southernfriedgirl Said,

    I loved that book and Undomestic Goddess. So loved them. 🙂

  3. Suzanne Said,

    Loved the Movie, Memoirs of a Geisha.
    Hey’s it’s your blog, do whatcha want….or so the song goes.

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