Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Rainy Saturday

Yesterday was a busy day, and I spent a part of it plodding around in the rain. I hate plodding around in the rain, especially in flip-flops or sandals. I hate getting my feet soaked in a puddle-filled parking lot 🙄

Don and Gail spent the night with us on Friday night (after we went on our double date). Tim and Don got up and left really early (about 7 AM) to go play golf, and Gail and I got ready and headed out shopping. We went to the mall and tried on clothes for a while. It was not a good day for me clothes-wise. Some days you can try things on and they fit and look good, and some days they don’t. Yesterday was one of those “don’t” days. 😥 However (drum roll please), I bought two new outfits anyway. Two shirts, a pair of drawstring capris and a pair of cuffed pants (longer than capris, shorter than regular trousers). Not totally happy with them, but they are better than nothing, I guess. Anyway, we shopped most all morning, and then met the guys plus Elizabeth for a late lunch at Jason’s Deli. All the girls went to Target after lunch, and the guys went home to take a nap. 😕 We got wet getting out of lunch, into Target, and then on the way out, it was pouring and we all got drenched. Such fun in sandals 🙄

Gail and Don left not too long after, and we hated to see them leave. We had a great time and were so glad they got to come visit.

We were both pretty tired, so we just stayed in, made some phone calls, and then watched one of the movies from our DVD collection (Bourne Identity). I think we’re going to watch Bourne Supremacy (tonight) Sunday night. Then it will be back to lots of good shows on TV all week. I love May, lots of new shows and some season finales too. :mrgreen:


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