Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Easter Pictures

Dyed Eggs I still have a whole bunch of pictures to load onto the Photos section of Hambones, but in the mean time, I sized a few down to include here on my blog.

UPDATE: OK, the Easter pictures are up on Hambones, but no text under them yet. Sigh, adding captions takes a long time and I just haven’t gotten to it yet. 🙂

Click on the extended entry to check them out (dyeing eggs, hiding eggs, and some people pics)….

Here’s Ethan opening up his fishing pole, he loved it and played with it all afternoon!

Ethan and his fishing pole

Uncle Tim with Abby (she wanted to play with Ethan’s fishing pole whenever he had it!):

Tim and Abby

Mom and Grandmom getting all the egg dyeing stuff ready:

Linda and Amanda

Amanda had 5 dozen eggs, and lots of egg dyeing kits… some of the pretty colors:
Egg Dyeing

Ethan dyeing eggs:


Ethan being silly!

Abby getting some help from dad:

Abby dyeing eggs

Then, we went to Kamper Park to hide and hunt eggs… Abby fell asleep on the way and so Ethan did most of the hunting. Abby woke up before Ethan hurt his knee, and got to find a few though! 🙂

Ethan hunting Easter Eggs

Ethan hunting Easter Eggs

Ethan hunting Easter Eggs

Ethan hunting Easter Eggs

And here’s three generations of Hammons guys at the park:

Mitchell, Tim, Mark and Ethan


Sunday, April 16, 2006, Resurrection Sunday

Tim and Stacy after church:

Tim and Stacy

Linda, her sisters and mom at Aunt Becky’s house:

Linda and sisters

All the siblings and Sarah:

Six Sisters, Two Brothers and Mom Sarah

  1. Laura Said,

    Boy, Easter is so great for kids. I remember dyeing eggs; such fun traditions!

  2. Amanda Said,

    Great pictures!!!! I have tons to download myself. I’m so glad that you guys came down to visit with us and help dye eggs and hunt eggs. Thanks for coming!!!

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