Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Just a quick note about our day. We met Tim’s parents, brother Terry and my dad this morning at Harbor Freight. Tim, Terry and Linda and Mitchell bought a bunch of toys there. We all went to eat (and ate WAY too much food) at Ryan’s for lunch. Note to self – Stay away from all-you-can-eat buffets. ACK! Daddy left going to Indianola, and we went shopping for the rest of the afternoon at Lowe’s and Walmart with Tim’s folks and brother. Stopped for gas (going up, up, up here) and then a movie on the way home. By the time we got in, Tim was completely wiped out. Has taken some Tylenol, as he says his fever is back, and has been laying on the couch since we got home.

We had a message on the answering machine from Kathryn, saying that they were on their way to MS from Charlotte, for David’s baptism tomorrow. We had already wanted to go, as Dad went up, and David and Eliz were home from MC, but Tim is feeling so bad, he had already said he would not be able to make the trip. With Kathryn and Jeremy coming home, it makes it so much harder not to be able to go. We hate not being able to see everyone and being there for David. I hope everyone understands that we’d come if we could. But with the way Tim is feeling, and that this is his one chance to get a bit of rest before his week from you-know-where starts at work (well, 2-3 weeks he says this project is going to take), we just can’t make it. Tim is not getting better, and if he doesn’t get some rest soon, he’s going to get a lot worse. He hides it well, some people might not even realize he’s sick, because he’s tough, but I know better and I see a lot more than other people do. Anyway, I digress. We hate not being able to go, but we’re not going to be able to make it. I hate not being able to see everyone, and not seeing David be baptized.


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